Dynasty Warriors 9 Empires is out next year • Eurogamer.net


Koei Tecmo has revealed Dynasty Warriors 9 Empires.

Making the announcement at the Tokyo Game Show, Koei Tecmo confirmed that the strategic battle experience will be coming to current and next-generation consoles, which are PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X / S, as well as Nintendo Switch and PC via Steam. to “early” 2021.

It’s true that it’s not much, but here’s a minute-long cinematic trailer:

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A Dynasty Warriors mobile game was also announced at the fair. Although the details, and the upcoming beta version, are restricted to Japan for now, it appears that the new title will be coming to Android and iOS devices.

Fans in Japan will have the opportunity to request the closed beta between today, September 27, and October 5, 2020. The beta is expected to be available on October 8 and will run until October 12.

“Exciting with your smartphone! Shin Ikki Tousen!” says the description of the video. “The latest work in the” Shin Sangoku Musou “series will be distributed as an app!”

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