Does Assassin’s Creed Valhalla have scenes in the future?


Assassin’s Creed Valhalla is mainly set in the Viking era, but are there also scenes set in the present or visions of a future apocalypse?

Assassin’s Creed Valhalla continues the sometimes bewilderingly complicated story of the franchise. In sequences that can be confusing to new players, every game in the series up to this point has had scenes in which old characters see the future or the distant past. However, this post seems designed for newcomers with minimal knowledge of the Assassin’s creed science. But it does Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Do you still have those scenes set in the future?

Warning: the following contains SPOILERS for Assassin’s Creed Valhalla.

During almost the entire campaign, Assassin’s Creed Valhalla players control the warrior Eivor. This being a Viking tale, the story takes place at the dawn of the Viking era in the 9th century AD, when the infamous Norse raiders settled in Anglo-Saxon England. But Eivor is special. Unbeknownst to Eivor, they are not alone in their own body. A prehistoric spirit that Eivor believes to be the god that Odin inhabits them. At the same time, all of Eivor’s actions are experienced through a simulation of Layla Hassan, a former Abstergo researcher of today featured in Assassin’s Creed Odyssey.

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This sci-fi setup is typical of Assassin’s creed. The stories in the series are generally set on three different timelines. Like a trip back in time Start-like a saga, the timelines interact with each other until, climatically, they converge. Today, two secret societies dispute powerful prehistoric artifacts. In the distant past, a precursor civilization called Isu predicts its future fall at the hands of humanity and a mysterious cataclysm seen in previous Assassin’s creed titles And in the middle, the ancient human sects of Templars and Assassins form to fight for the relics of Isu. So while there are generally no scenes set in the distant future in relation to modern-day people, characters in prehistoric and ancient timelines regard the present timeline as the future, actually seeing glimpses of their destinies. .

Assassin’s Creed Valhalla: Eivor and Layla’s visions of the future

Assassins-Creed-Valhalla-Odin cropped

Both modern and ancient player characters see the future in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla. In various scenes, Eivor receives prophetic guidance, often with the help of holy hallucinogens. However, it is important to note that the magical mead they drink appears to have real powers derived from the Isu. In Assassin’s Creed ValhallaIn visions of Valhalla, Eivor looks to his own destiny to try, in vain, to change it.

Furthermore, Eivor discusses the fate of the “gods” of Isu in a cataclysm that they interpret as the Norse apocalypse Ragnarok. This doomsday is destined to repeat itself; the latter was postponed by the former Assassin’s creed protagonist, Desmond Miles. The revelation of Isu’s apocalypse and its imminent arrival is also a glimpse of Layla’s future today, as the next cataclysm has yet to occur in her modern world. At the end of the game, Layla herself searches for alternate futures in an attempt to stop Armageddon looming, though these possible outcomes are not shown.

Assassin’s Creed Valhalla takes place mainly in the Viking era. However, the player characters of Eivor and Layla look into their future to try to avoid their fates.

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