Covid-19 vaccines: getting the skeptics to roll up their sleeves won’t be easy


Florida Volunteers Participate in COVID-19 Vaccine Trials

Photographer: Joe Raedle / Getty Images

Eddie Rice believes in vaccines. The Melbourne locksmith has taken a beating in the past and understands that they go through rigorous testing before they are implemented. This time around, as investigators move forward with potential shots to protect the world against Covid-19, he’s not so sure.

“This is a pretty unique one, just because it’s going to be very fast,” said Rice, 29. “I don’t know enough about science to know 100% that it’s safe.”

Governments and drug manufacturers have long faced skepticism, and even hostility, from a small but noisy group of anti-vaccination activists. In the battle against the coronavirus, they may also meet the reluctance of a broader swath of the population, people like Rice, who would normally be on board.

Loss of confidence in governments, political interference and the race to create opportunity in record time are sowing doubts. Temporary study interruptions due to unexplained illnesses in volunteers, a part of vaccine development that often doesn’t make headlines, heightens anxiety. These misgivings could hamper the high-risk quest to curb a pathogen that has killed 1.1 million people.

Assuming immunizations can be successfully mass-developed, produced, and deployed, vaccine advocates will need to convince enough people that vaccines are critical to ending the crisis. In a survey of 20,000 people conducted over the summer, more than a quarter of those surveyed said they would not receive a Covid injection. Russia, Poland, Hungary and France had the lowest support, the World Economic Forum and Ipsos study showed.

Post-registration test of RDIF's COVID-19 'Sputnik V' vaccine

A healthcare worker injects a patient with a Covid-19 vaccine during trials in Moscow.

Photographer: Andrey Rudakov / Bloomberg

The effort to overcome that feeling will begin with healthcare workers. Medical personnel are at increased risk of contracting the virus and spreading it to others, and are likely to be among the first to get vaccinated. Any concerns they may have about the quality of a vaccine could hinder its wider acceptance.

Nor should their support be taken for granted. Medical workers should be careful not to damage the trust they have earned by promoting a product in which they have no faith, he said. Sara Gorton, head of health for Unison, a UK union representing nurses, paramedics and others in the field.

“If healthcare workers are expected to advocate for the vaccine, then their natural concerns will need to be addressed in advance,” he said. “It won’t help you with the answer if you’re going to get your jab and the person giving it can’t say reassuring things.”

A study in Hong Kong earlier this year found that only 63% of nurses expressed a willingness to receive a possible Covid vaccine. He cited uncertainty about effectiveness, side effects and how long the protection would last. Support was stronger as cases increased, but decreased as infections decreased, according to researchers including Kin On Kwok, an epidemiologist at the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

If fewer than two-thirds of nurses during an outbreak intend to get vaccinated, “we anticipate that promoting the vaccine to the general public in the post-pandemic period will be much more challenging,” they wrote.

Anxiety about China’s growing influence in the former British colony may be another factor behind the lack of conviction. A mainland-backed effort that offered free testing to all Hong Kong residents only saw a quarter of them. Chinese vaccine developers have been at the forefront of the race. Although the final stage of trials is not complete, thousands of people in China have already received doses under extensive emergency use provisions.

A major concern among doubters is that critical steps to demonstrate safety and efficacy could be carried out in a hurry, despite assurances, such as a promise in September by nine American and European developers, to avoid shortcuts in development. science.

Vaccines led by AstraZeneca Plc and Oxford University, Pfizer Inc. and BioNTech SE and Moderna Inc. are among those in the final stages of testing, and critical data could arrive before the end of the year, which that paves the way for emergency approvals. That feat would be accomplished by compressing into just months a development process that normally takes up to a decade. Public confidence in vaccines that have not been thoroughly tested could be low, according to analysts at HSBC Holdings Plc.

The search for a Covid shot has become increasingly politicized, reducing the number of people who are inclined to get one, according to Scott Ratzan, a physician and public health specialist at the City University of New York. Officials will need to demonstrate why an immunization that has been shown to be safe is beneficial to individuals and society, he said.

Among the majority of the public, vaccines are embraced as safe and simple ways to prevent disease, but concerns about a Covid injection have risen in recent months. Americans’ willingness to get vaccinated against the virus dropped to 50% in September from 66% in July, a Gallup poll shows.

“Most people support vaccines,” said Ratzan, who is part of a group working to increase confidence in future Covid immunizations. “We have to find the fence keepers. Are you undecided? Are they insecure? How do we target them? “
