Coronavirus: 4 reasons why we have to stop home visits to stop Covid-19 explained


This weekend, millions of people in London, Essex, York and other areas will face stricter Covid-19 Level 2 measures.

Under this high alert level, households will be prohibited from mixing indoors, including in pubs, restaurants, and in the homes of others.

The UK government explained: “You should not socially gather with friends and family indoors unless you live with them or have formed a bubble of support with them. This includes private homes and any other indoor place, such as pubs and restaurants.

“You can still see friends and family you don’t live with (or have not formed a bubble of support with) outside, even in a garden or other outdoor space. When you do, you should not gather in a group of more than 6 people. “

But why is it so important that home visits are prohibited?

Here are four key reasons why stopping home visiting can help curb Covid-19 in the UK.

1. The coronavirus thrives indoors

The coronavirus has been shown to thrive indoors, in unventilated conditions, even in our homes.

A study by researchers in Japan found that an infected person was 18.7 times more likely to transmit the virus indoors than outdoors.

The coronavirus has been shown to thrive indoors, in unventilated conditions, even in our homes.

Meanwhile, another study examined 318 outbreaks in China and found that all but one involved the virus jumping between people indoors.

Speaking to Business Insider, neurosurgeon Dr. Erich Anderer said: “The general principle should be: outside is better than inside; open is better than closed; less is better than more people; and stay away from the sick. “

2. The virus can stay on surfaces for weeks.

Recent studies have warned that the coronavirus can survive on surfaces much longer than previously thought.

Researchers from Australia’s National Science Agency found that SARS-CoV-2 can survive on a variety of surfaces for 28 days, including on phone screens, stainless steel, and banknotes.

The agency said: “SARS-CoV-2 can remain infectious for significantly longer periods of time than is generally considered possible.”

Recent studies have warned that the coronavirus can survive on surfaces much longer than previously thought

While many people have begun cleaning their home surfaces more rigorously amid the pandemic, making sure all shared surfaces are clean is difficult.

For example, the virus has been shown to persist on door handles, light switches, and even toilet seats – surfaces that you may not plan to clean while having guests in your home.

3. Social distancing is more difficult indoors

UK guidelines currently suggest staying six feet away from people you don’t live with.

The UK government website warns: “When you are with people you do not live with, you should also avoid: physical contact; be close and face to face; and yelling or singing near them. You should also avoid crowded areas with lots of people; and touching things that other people have touched. “

However, keeping your distance is easier said than done at home.

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In a writing for The Conversation, Lena Ciric Associate Professor of Environmental Engineering at UCL explained: “It is highly unlikely that you will be exposed to infectious droplets in the open air due to rapid air flow and dilution, but closed enclosed spaces and crowded are much riskier. .

“We all have to do our bit to stop the spread of the coronavirus, so keep your distance, preferably as much as possible.”

4. Older people are at significantly higher risk

For many people, not being able to see their family has been one of the most difficult parts of the Covid-19 pandemic.

While you may be tempted to visit your parents or grandparents in their homes, it is important to remember that you could put them at risk.

The CDC explained: “As you get older, your risk of serious illness from COVID-19 increases. For example, 50-year-olds are at higher risk for serious illness than 40-year-olds.

While you may be tempted to visit your parents or grandparents in their homes, it is important to remember that you could put them at risk.

“Similarly, people in their 60s or 70s are generally at higher risk of serious illness than people in their 50s. The highest risk of severe illness from COVID-19 is among those 85 years of age and older. “

Even if you don’t have any symptoms, you could still have the virus and unknowingly pass it on to your elderly loved ones.

The CDC added: “In general, the more people you interact, the more closely you interact with them, and the longer that interaction, the greater the risk of spreading COVID-19.”
