‘Christmas Star’: Jupiter and Saturn will look like a double planet


The two largest planets in our solar system are getting closer than they have been since the Middle Ages, and it’s happening just in time for Christmas.

On the night of December 21, the winter solstice, Jupiter and Saturn will appear so closely aligned in the sky that they will appear to be a double planet. This close approach is called a conjunction.

“The alignments between these two planets are quite rare, they occur once every 20 years or so, but this conjunction is exceptionally rare due to how close the planets will be to each other,” said the Rice University astronomer and professor of physics and science. astronomy Patrick Hartigan in a statement. “You would have to go back to just before sunrise on March 4, 1226, to see a closer alignment between these visible objects in the night sky.”

According to a Forbes report, some, including the German astronomer Johannes Kepler, believe that the “star of Bethlehem” in the history of the magi or “three wise men” could have been a rare triple conjunction of Jupiter, Saturn and Venus. .

This conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn is being called by some a “Christmas star”.

If you are a star gazer, you have probably noticed that Jupiter and Saturn have been getting closer since the summer. And they are currently visible in our night sky, getting closer and closer to each other.

But between December 16 and 25, they will be even closer. Look for the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction low in the western sky for about an hour after sunset each night during this time.

While these two planets may seem close, they are still hundreds of millions of miles apart, according to NASA.

Hope for clear skies because the conjunction will be visible around the world, with the best perspective for those near the equator.

The planets will be bright enough to be seen at twilight, which may be the best time for many American viewers to observe the conjunction.

The best conditions to view this astronomical event will include a clear horizon to the southwest and no low clouds in the distance, Hartigan said. Binoculars or a telescope can help you distinguish the planets. A telescope would allow us to see the rings of Saturn and the brightest moons of both planets, he said.

If you miss this conjunction and want to see the planets in the same proximity, a little higher in the sky, it won’t happen until March 15, 2080, and not again until after 2400.

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