Caught black hole turning a poor star into spaghetti


A black hole in a galaxy not far from Earth gobbled up a star like a great exploding noodle, and astronomers got a front row seat for the action.

The “unfortunate star,” as the researchers called it in their paper, was orbiting in the dense core of a galaxy with the difficult name 2MASX J04463790-1013349 about 214 million years ago when it found itself on a doomed path. It had gotten too close to the galaxy’s central supermassive black hole. And that black hole stretched it out like spaghetti and swallowed it in one big gulp. (Scientists literally call this process “spaghetti”). The light from this act of stellar cannibalism reached Earth in 2019. Researchers have spotted events like this before, but never so soon after destruction and never so close. The black hole ate its fetid plasma dinner just 214 light-years from Earth.
