
WHO orders rapid COVID-19 tests for the world’s poor | Science | Detailed reports on science and technology | DW

[ad_1] The World Health Organization, together with its global partners in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, has announced that it will provide 120 million rapid diagnostic antigen tests to people in low- and middle-income countries over the next six months. The tests represent a “massive increase” in testing around …

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Why COVID-19 is also a watershed moment for heart health

[ad_1] Cardiovascular disease is the world’s leading cause of death and a factor in COVID-19 death rates. Progress in heart disease is slowing in the United States. We need a systems approach to building healthier communities that are less vulnerable to cardiovascular disease. As nations grapple with the coronavirus pandemic, …

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CHEOPS details a planet just out of Twilight Zone

[ad_1] The CHEOPS space telescope provided details to scientists on the planet called WASP-189b, an extreme planet by most metrics. This planet is about 20 times closer to its closest star than our Earth is to our Sun. This planet is more than 1.6 times bigger than Jupiter, which in …

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