
Steve from Minecraft is the new character

[ad_1] Steve from Minecraft Nintendo There are few more hype-generating events than when Nintendo announces a new Smash Bros. character, and 400,000 people simply tuned in to see the next character arriving at Smash Bros. Ultimate in a very short live stream revealed this morning. This was a big one. …

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Nobel laureates in year marked by pandemic

[ad_1] Thunberg’s name has come up in connection with the peace prize, possibility, most likely with other activists. STOCKHOLM – Press freedom groups and climate activist Greta Thunberg are ringing the Nobel Peace Prize ahead of next week’s award announcements, in a pandemic year that has highlighted the importance of …

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Nobel laureates in year marked by pandemic

[ad_1] Stockholm (AFP) Press freedom groups and climate activist Greta Thunberg are ringing the Nobel Peace Prize ahead of next week’s award announcements, in a pandemic year that has highlighted the importance of science and research. . The Nobel Prizes for Literature and Peace, to be announced on October 8 …

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Ukraine’s cabinet approves the state standard of secondary education – the government of Ukraine approves the state standard of secondary education

[ad_1] The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine approved a new state standard of secondary education, which will come into force in 2022. The decision was made at today’s session of the government. The approved state standard identified 11 core competencies that children should learn in school: fluency in the state …

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