
DeepMind AI predicts protein structures

[ad_1] Programs created by Google’s artificial intelligence company, DeepMind, have beaten humans who play chess, Go, and some Atari computer games. Biologists and computer scientists say the company has done the same with the protein folding puzzle. In an international competition, the company’s program predicted how proteins fold in three …

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New algae threaten the conservation of Caribbean coral reefs

[ad_1] © Shawn Jackson Human activity is making it difficult to conserve the Caribbean’s coral reefs, but a new threat from algae is adding pressure to an already precarious situation Corals are marine invertebrates that build large exoskeletons from which reefs are built. Unfortunately, they are so beautiful that humans …

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Australian scientists create ‘a new atlas’ mapping millions of galaxies, Science News

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[ad_1] Experts from the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO), Australia’s national scientific agency, have created a new atlas of the universe. Agency experts have mapped three million galaxies in more detail and in a record time of 300 hours, compared to previous mappings that have taken years. Read …

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Artificial intelligence solves biology’s ‘great challenge’ 50 years earlier than experts predicted

[ad_1] A long-standing and incredibly complex scientific problem related to the structure and behavior of proteins has been effectively solved by a new artificial intelligence (AI) system, the scientists report. DeepMind, the UK-based artificial intelligence company, has wowed us for years with its parade of ever-advancing neural networks continually beating …

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