UNAIDS Launches Solidarity Fund to Help Key Populations During the COVID-19 Pandemic; Executive Director acknowledges Human Rights Day in declaration


UNAIDS: Launch of a fund to assist key populations during COVID-19
UNAIDS announces the launch of its Solidarity Fund, which will support social entrepreneurs and micro-enterprises owned by key populations facing special difficulties during the COVID-19 pandemic. … The initiative, which will be piloted initially in five countries (Brazil, Ghana, India, Madagascar and Uganda), with a budget of $ 250,000 from UNAIDS, will be expanded to other countries in the coming months, with the aim of raising a additional budget of US $ 3 million to US $ 5 million in 2021-2022… ”(12/10).

UNAIDS: UNAIDS urges countries to prioritize human rights to combat pandemics
In a statement on Human Rights Day, which is celebrated annually on December 10, UNAIDS Executive Director Winnie Byanyima says: “[I]Only when rights are respected, protected and fulfilled, can countries advance against an epidemic and build more just societies. … On Human Rights Day, let us commit to ending the inequalities and injustices that fuel AIDS and other pandemics ”(10/12).
