A sea otter off the coast of California caused a stir when it was photographed apparently trying to eat a shark, although it appears that it failed to complete its meal.
Photographers Don Henderson and Alice Cahill captured the unusual event, which involved a small horn shark, in Morro Bay last week.
The images were shared by Sea Otter Savvy, a non-profit organization that seeks to promote “responsible wildlife watching, awareness of the effect our behavior can have on sea otters and other wildlife, and a safer and healthier coastal environment for all of us, both otters and humans. “
Michael Harris of the California Department of Fish and Wildlife told the For the Win Outdoors website: “To my knowledge … this is the first documented horn shark catch by a sea otter. There are reports of sea otters catching rays and stingrays, but this is the first report of a shark. Sea otters eat fish, but it’s a very rare sight in California. “
Sea otters, the smallest marine mammal in North America, commonly eat invertebrates such as sea urchins, clams, and crabs.
But as Sea Otter Savvy aware on Twitter: “If you watch sea otters long enough, you will see a variety of marine life brought to the surface. While the fish are not unusual prey for the northern sea otters (Alaska and Russia), they are quite rare in California. “
Horn sharks live at the bottom of the sea, on a diet similar to that of otters with an extremely powerful sting. Sea Otter Savvy noted whether or not the shark captured by the otter managed to bite: “It is not surprising that while there may have been some bites, the prey was not consumed.
Harris told For the Win Outdoors that he was “pretty sure” the otter was an adult female.