Data miners have uncovered information of what they claim is an unannounced new mode for Apex legends: Sands mode.
Although we don’t have much to go on yet, Shrugtal dug into the back-end and shared a screenshot detailing “arenas” and “arenas mode,” including the suggestion that the next mode will feature special UI slots. .
Added patch 6.1 code to support UI slots in the “Play” menu for a new “Arena” mode. They wonder if they plan to transfer Flashpoint-style healing to a smaller squad mode the size of an arena. It would help tremendously to warm up and train for Apex. pic.twitter.com/K02xMcdKSuOctober 12, 2020
“They mentioned they wanted to bring Skull Town back,” Shrugtal added in a follow-up tweet reflecting on how an Arenas Mode could be implemented (thanks, Comic book). “Maybe this is the solution, for example a” Skull City Only “map with a handful of Squads?”
Of course, this is just hearsay and speculation at this point, and even if the code is real, it is unknown when, or even if, we will see it activated. But since it seems to have been added in patch 6.1, we hope we will see it sooner rather than later.
A couple of weeks ago a new Apex Legends patch went live and data miners immediately discovered a new character within the game files: Horizon. According to the datminer himself, the new character will appear in a series of “Horizon Challenges”, indicating that he may not actually be the next legend to join the Apex Games.
Apex Legends recently unveiled a new Champions Edition of the game, which includes a ton of additional content and unlocks existing characters.
The Apex Legends Champions Edition is scheduled to launch when Season 7 begins. There is no set release date for Season 7 as such, but the current Season 6 is scheduled to conclude on November 10. Apex Legends Champions Edition unlocks Caustic, Mirage, Octane, Wattson, Crypto, Revenant, Loba, and Rampart, all of which would normally cost 1000 Apex Coins.
For our pick of the most elite characters Apex Legends has to offer currently, head over to our best Apex Legends characters guide.