The tragedy of Ethiopia and the Ethiopians


“It is not unpatriotic to denounce an injustice committed in our name, perhaps it is the most patriotic thing we can do.”
EA Bucchianeri, Brushstrokes of a horsefly

“Too often when we see injustices, both big and small, we think, that’s terrible, but we don’t do anything. We don’t say anything. We let other people fight their own battles. We are silent because silence is easier. Qui tacet consentire videtur in Latin means “Silence gives consent.” When we say nothing, when we do nothing, we are consenting to these transgressions against us. “
Roxane gay, Bad feminist

By Girma Berhanu
October 14, 2020

(one) Point

Today, Ethiopians are afflicted with unspeakable misery and agonizing drowning national pain. The fate of the country is in the hands of ethno-nationalists, ethnifascist mobs, and murderous groups of people inside and outside the current leadership. Heinous crimes, murder, massacre and inhuman treatment and the arrest of jealous Ethiopians are a common scene. At the time of writing, the killings continue in particular in the Benshangul and Oromia regions.[1]. Like the Oromo region, Benishangul Gumuz is the part of Ethiopia where the Amhara ethnic group experienced recurrent attacks and killings. Most recent is October 11, 2020[2] where dozens of people were massacred “, residents of the region confirmed that attack when they spoke with the Amhara Media Agency (AMMA). The state media source in the Amhara region said that an unknown number of people had been killed by the attack “[3]. The BBC reported on July 5, 2020, citing government sources, that 166 people had been massacred in Shashamane, West Arsi and the Lake Zway area, 1,000 residential houses and 240 business organizations, including factories and schools, were burned to the ground. Among the businesses destroyed, there is a four-star hotel that belonged to the world-renowned athlete Haile Gebreselsassie, world champion and long-distance Olympian.

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