Ethiopian minister praises China’s continued support for higher education – Xinhua


ADDIS ABABA, May 15 (Xinhua) – Ethiopia’s Minister of Science and Higher Education (MoSHE) Hirut Woldemariam has praised the support and assistance of the Chinese government and companies to drive quality higher education in the East African country. .

The minister spoke at a donation ceremony organized at MoSHE in Ethiopia’s capital Addis Ababa later on Thursday, when Huawei delivered anti-virus supplies to the ministry, as part of its support for various offices in the country and also for the Union. Africana (AU) in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.

The minister also praised the support of the Chinese people in such difficult times.

“Of course, at times like this, we remember how we are interrelated, how we need each other to overcome this type of global crisis.”

China, as well as Chinese companies and institutions, are providing various forms of support to Ethiopia’s effort to ensure quality education, especially in high-level institutions, Hirut said.

“We have a long-standing cooperation and partnership between the Federal Government of Ethiopia and China. And the partnership is comprehensive in all areas, it is also working very well in the education sector for us,” he said.

Praising the role of scholarships and trainings of Chinese professionals to Ethiopians to improve the quality of education and training in the country, the Minister said: “That is really a great opportunity for us. We are really enjoying the partnership. that we have with Huawei, and of course with other companies and institutes, institutions in China. “

Technical support and assistance, especially from Huawei, in the form of training, as well as by donating ICT materials, such as laboratory equipment, laptops and application software, contribute significantly to capacity development in the area, said the Minister.

This type of support also helps create student employment in the field, he added.

Claiming that this is the time when the world is now highly dependent on the digital economy and digital innovation, Hirut said that university and technical and vocational education and training (TVET) students in Ethiopia will benefit from the opportunities created by the Chinese company.

Praising the support of China and the Chinese companies, the Minister said the country will continue the capacity development programs that the Chinese companies are working with and supporting Ethiopia. Final product
