50 celebrities share the best advice their mothers gave them – SheKnows


Whether you like it or not, your mother has probably given you some very wise advice over the years, whether you wanted to hear it or not. And while “I told you so” is not a phrase we love to hear, there is a reason our mothers are so wise: they have done it before and know first hand the challenges we face. Also, they want the best for us. So maybe that’s why so many celebrities turn to their mothers for advice – from Ashley Graham to Gabrielle Union, Amy Schumer, and more – these stars credit their mothers for giving them the advice they need to be their fiercest beings. and fierce. And there is no better day to celebrate mother’s wisdom than Mother’s Day.

So what kind of breath did these A-listers grow? Many stars say their mother’s best advice was to believe in who they were, pursue what made them happy, and be prepared to work hard, something these dedicated artists clearly took seriously. Others remember their mothers’ key relationship advice or the beauty secrets behind her signature look, such as Jessica Alba’s mother’s harsh decree on skincare.

And of course these famous moms also gave advice on how to be a mom. “My mom always told me that the most important thing you can give your child is love,” shared Heidi Pratt, and really, is there any more important advice than that? Even without giving advice, moms teach us with their words and actions all the time. These quotes from celebrity moms prove how much our moms’ advice follows us.

Here is the best advice these stars received from their mothers.
