Feeling more frustrated that Brett of Accounting put three Zoom calls on your calendar today? Adriene Mishler, also known as Yoga with Adriene, has a video for that. Since meetings are the new emails, you probably notice that you never seem to have enough time between Zoom calls to really do a good job. When you come across that inconvenient half-hour break, doing a yoga session between meetings might be the best option you’ll do all day.
When your days have become an endless task from meeting to meeting, taking care of your body through yoga will not only make you feel better, it will also help you do your job more effectively. Getting your blood flowing can boost your energy levels and improve your overall focus and productivity.
By involving so many muscles in your body and paying special attention to your breathing, you can channel your physical restlessness as you prepare your mind for Zoom’s next call in one go. If you don’t want to “waste” time between meetings, use one of these 13 Yoga videos with Adriene that you can complete in less than 30 minutes to refocus your mind and body before zooming again.
1. Yoga for anxiety and stress
His last Zoom meeting featured his colleague swearing that he never received the email he definitely sent him last week, so you can really use this yoga flow to reduce stress and anxiety. The timing is perfect: at 28 minutes, your stress brain won’t have a chance to reappear before your next call.
2. Yoga for when you are angry
You can associate being properly enraged with wanting to kick-start Linkin Park and hitting a heavy bag. But assuming you don’t have a heavy bag, you may want calmer physical practice when you’re nervous. Adriene’s 18-minute video for when you’re angry will keep you literally punished all the time. Stretching her body instead of flexing her muscles in anger, she will remain on her mat throughout this flow, exhaling her irritation instead of keeping it inside.
3. Yoga for your lunch
You don’t need a yoga mat to dive into this yoga sequence for lunch. Originally designed to be accessible in your break room at work, you can probably roll out a rug now that your break room is … your living room. Still, if you’re trying to give yourself a feeling of office grind, Adriene’s comment about your lunchtime antics could help you feel more like yourself before WFH.
4. Yoga for digestion flow
When you feel slower after a brunch-style breakfast than you really had time to prepare, there’s no cause for alarm – this digestion flow yoga can help you return to your next Zoom meeting like you’ve had the best coffee of your life . Focused on helping him “massage the internal organs”, this is one of the sequences that Adriene narrates off camera, giving her extra quiet and thoughtful practice.
5. Yoga for the hamstrings
Sure, you’re used to having a desk job. But while working from home, you’re probably sitting a lot more than you normally do. That tends to block your hamstrings and hips painfully, but this hamstring flow yoga is specially designed for your situation. A yoga block and a leash will come in handy for this one, but Adriene has some pretty creative ideas for you if the entire internet was exhausted before you could get your hands on it (think: wear a tie to help you dig deeper).
6. Yoga for complete beginners
If work depresses you, you may want to learn something completely new (and therefore feel extra accomplished) before your next endless meeting. Look no further than this complete beginner yoga sequence. No experience is needed, and Adriene invites you to start your practice with curiosity rather than intimidating expectations.
7. Yoga for self-respect
Let’s face it: It can be difficult to maintain maximum levels of self-esteem when you feel like everyone is more productive than you (they aren’t) and that you haven’t worn the right pants in days (no one else has). This self-respecting yoga sequence can do wonders by reminding you that you indeed deserve to be treated well (even if your boss is grumpy because your state is listening to public health officials and isn’t reopening yet).
8. Yoga for chronic pain
If you live with chronic pain, yoga is not always welcoming to the ways you need to move (and not move) your body. This sequence includes standing and sitting variations, with Adriene dividing the screen when necessary to show what both versions look like. As a bonus, her fluffy four-legged friend Benji is on-screen with her all the time, so her heart will also get a dose of sheer delight.
9. Yoga to relieve tension
The good stuff starts right away with this tension-relieving yoga sequence, because Adriene’s dog, Benji, is lying next to him all the time. (Talk about the fallen dog). Don’t you think you need to relieve tension? Take a quick second to check if you need to soften your shoulders and jaw right now, it probably will. But don’t worry, because that’s exactly what this flow is for.
10. Yoga for suffering
Your anguish will lessen the moment you click on this video, because Adriene begins her presentation by holding the most perfect and sleepy dog, Benji. Once you settle down from the initial wave of absolute tenderness, this yoga for the flow of suffering will gently keep you on your mat all the time. So if things hurt so much right now that you can’t imagine standing up, you won’t have to do it to reap the benefits of these gentle poses.
11. Yoga for transitions
If now is not a time for transitions, what is? Most of this transition yoga session will keep you physically connected, and your body will mimic the changes your mind may be experiencing. You will learn to flow from one pose to the next, with an emphasis on transforming one movement into another. That physical preparation could help you suddenly adjust to your colleagues seeing the chaos of the makeshift desk in your room, rather than the clean and tidy space you have in your office at work.
12. Yoga for back pain
Working from your “home office chair” (also known as your sofa) can easily lock your hips and cause lower back pain, especially when sitting oddly to find a webcam angle that will cause you to your colleagues are less likely to discover their My Chemical Romance posters. Diving in this yoga session for back pain will help you learn exactly which muscles to activate (and which to stretch) to combat the increasing stiffness in your lower back.
13. Yoga for confidence
Suddenly working from home means you’re probably struggling with everything from your runaway routine to lingering self-doubt (which, by the way, is affecting just about everyone right now). Whether your overall confidence level has plummeted or you need an extra boost for your next Zoom meeting with all the top staff, this yoga for confidence session features powerful standing positions that can make you feel like you’ve just passed 27 minutes. in a superhero pose.