Never underestimate the pink power!
With Breast Cancer Awareness Month upon us, it’s the perfect time to learn about a disease that affects 1 in 8 women according to the American Cancer Society.
“Breast cancer does not discriminate, but you can survive when caught early,” said Orange County member Susan G. Komen, breast health organization. Rebecca Hultquist shared with E! News. “Being a woman and getting older is the highest risk of getting breast cancer. It is important to know your body and what feels normal to you and only you. I was only 33 when I found a lump. I had just weaned my baby from breastfeeding. , and I knew that what I felt was not normal and that it was not there before. “
Besides raising awareness, it is also more than appropriate to acknowledge the thousands upon thousands of people, including Rebecca, who survived this difficult disease.
ME! News celebrates more than a dozen survivors from around the world who kindly shared some of their best advice for anyone battling breast cancer. While each story is unique, each individual had one thing in common: they were determined to survive.