Eternal Gridlock: Exit polls do not indicate clear winner in Israeli elections

The results also indicate a steady shift to the right wing of the Israeli electorate, which opposes the relaxation in peace talks with the Palestinians, highlighted by the strong performance of the ultra-nationalist anti-Arab religious party.

Despite the inconclusive results, Netanyahu claimed that his Likud party claimed a “great victory” with allies.

“It is clear that the clear majority of Israeli citizens are right-wing, and they want a strong and stable right-wing government that will protect Israel’s economy, Israel’s security and Israel’s land.” We will do this, ‘he said on Facebook.

Exit polls in the past have often been inaccurate, meaning that the final results, which are expected in the coming days, could still change the balance of power. Even if the final results are consistent with Tuesday’s exit polls, there is no guarantee that Netanyahu will succeed in forming a coalition.

Johann Plancker, president of the Israel Democracy Institute, said the initial exit polls indicated that the election was still very close.

Although Netanyahu could work to form a narrow government amid a corruption trial, he was not licensed to “repeal the constitution of the state.”

“All three options are on the table: a Netanyahu-led government, a coalition in return, which will leave Netanyahu in opposition, and an interim government for a fifth election,” he said.

Many right-wing parties have vowed never to sit in a government with Netanyahu. And Bennett, a staunch critic of former Netanyahu allies, refused to support either side during the campaign.

Bennett shares Netanyahu’s staunch nationalist ideology and seems more likely to eventually join the PM. But Bennett has not refused to join forces with Netanyahu’s opponents.

Bennett said in a speech to his supporters that he would promote right-wing values ​​in the next government, but failed to support Netanyahu and also accepted several curtains on the prime minister’s leadership style.

He said, “Now is the time to heal. “It’s not what it used to be.”

Bennett has hinted that he will make tough deals with Netanyahu, he has demanded senior cabinet ministries and possibly a power-sharing arrangement, including as prime minister.

In addition, their partners will include a pair of ultra-religious religious parties and “religious Zionists”, whose party leaders are openly racist and homosexual. Before the story was assassinated in New York in 1990, one of its leaders was Itamir Ben-Gavir, a disciple of the late Rabbi Mir Kahane, whose Kuch party led the U.S.

It may be a shame for Netanyahu to trust the party in the international arena, especially as he seeks to take the new Biden administration to court.

The election campaign was largely free of substance and was seen as a referendum on Netanyahu’s divisive regime.

During the campaign, Netanyahu emphasized Israel’s highly successful coronavirus vaccination campaign. It has aggressively stepped up its efforts to secure enough vaccines for Israel’s 3.3 million people, and in three months the country has been vaccinated with about 0% of its adult population. This has enabled the government to open rest restaurants, stores and airports on time for election day.

He also tried to present himself as a global politician, noting the four diplomatic orders he reached with Arab countries last year. Those agreements were brokered by his close ally, then-President Donald Trump.

Opponents of Netanyahu say the prime minister confused many aspects of the epidemic, particularly by allowing his ultra-Orthodox allies to ignore lockdown rules and increase infection rates for most of the year.

More than 1,000,000 Israelis have died since Kovid-1, and the economy is in a weak shape with double-digit unemployment.

They also pointed to Netanyahu’s corruption trial, saying that anyone convicted of serious crimes is not fit to lead the country. Netanyahu has been accused of fraud, breach of trust and accepting bribes in a series of scandals that he has denied through the hostile media and the legal system in his search for the witch.

Even Netanyahu’s reputation as a politician has suffered some damage in recent days. The UAE, the most important of the four Arab countries to establish official diplomatic relations with Israel, made it clear last week that it did not want to use Netanyahu after he was forced to cancel his trip as part of a re-election bid. Country. The Biden administration has also maintained its distance, in contrast to the support it received from Trump in previous elections.

Netanyahu’s Likud party is expected to emerge as the largest individual party in the 120-seat parliament with just over 30 seats, followed by the centrist opposition Yesh Atid with about 17 seats.

The rest of Parliament will be divided between some 10 smaller parties. These range from the Arab party to the left-wing secular parties, to the secular, right-wing pair.

Together, Netanyahu and his allies projected control from 54 to 54 seats, while his opponents are expected to gain control of about 58 or control 59, with Bennett remaining in control of the remaining seats.