Erica Stefanoco has been convicted of murdering Army veteran Ashley Biggs for luring her into a fake pizza delivery.

Ashley was working as a delivery driver for Biggs Domino when she stumbled upon a business in Ohio one summer night in 2012. Biggs, an Army veterinarian and mother of a young daughter, did not know the company was closed. Or the clerk who ordered the large half-mushroom, half-paper pie used the nickname.

The midnight delivery was a way to keep 25-year-old Big in the lure of his death. At the time, Biggs was in the midst of a heavy custody battle with Chad Cobb, her ex-boyfriend and the father of her 7-year-old child. When the Biggs arrived, Cobb was waiting in the parking lot with a t-shirt and a foot-zip-tie, which worked to strangle her.

Cobain threw Biggs ‘body into the trunk of his car and left the vehicle in Cornfield, near his parents’ home in Vehicle County. Records A 0-year-old father – who had a history of domestic violence allegations related to Biggs – released court records – pleaded guilty to kidnapping and murder in 2013 to avoid the death penalty.
