Elon Musk’s Neuralink device aims to combat neurological disorders such as Alzheimer’s, dementia and epilepsy, along with other medical conditions such as stroke. However, the link will also fight against general anxiety and depressive disorder, which is the highest.
Ever since the company was founded in July 2016, Musk has been vocal about Neurlink’s possible help in fighting brain diseases and disorders. However, its rare, if ever, talked about the link’s ability to fight anxiety and depressive disorders. Until last Friday’s presentation, which updated people on the company’s progress, it was unaware that the device could help these widespread mental illnesses.
Anxiety disorders are the most common form of mental illness in the United States, affecting 40 million adults aged 18 and over, according to the American Anxiety and Depression Association. Only 36.9% of these affected people receive clinical treatment.
Often, patients are treated with powerful prescription drugs that help or harm a person with the disorder. There are lots of different prescriptions out there, and doctors and psychiatrists are never short on options.
However, side effects of medications are usually caused by a long list of things that stop patients. Sometimes, this treatment can make things worse and lead to addiction and addiction.
Fortunately, Kasturi is working to combat the powerful disorder from the Neuralink device. While anxiety and depressive disorders are rarely examples of “cookie-cutters,” the removable link device is used temporarily to treat diseases while patients receive treatment. At times, conditions can get so bad that patients have difficulty leaving home, whether it is going to a therapist or a psychiatrist. Neuralink’s devices can help the affected work, as always, everyday people for a short period of time.
Installing a neuralink device in the brain of someone with anxiety or depressive disorders can help patients taste what daily life is like, and can increase positivity in the lives of people with disabilities.
It is unknown at this time what he will do after leaving the post. Still, Link’s capabilities and prospects can help fight the huge medical ailments that affect everyday life. As anxiety and frustration rates rise and healthcare costs become lower, Neurlink aims to create an affordable fix for people who do not have access to essential medical treatment. With proper research and development, Neurilink can put an end to rising anxiety and depression rates and help fight the growing number of suicides that end life before help is sought.
See the neuralink presentation below.