Elon Musk: Tesla’s next ‘killer product’ is the solar roof

Elon Musk says Tesla’s next ‘killer product’ is its solar roof and that it will become ‘clear’ next year.

Looks like Tesla is getting ready for it by renting an army of umbrellas.

During a conference call following Tesla’s Q32020 earnings results this week, Tesla CEO Elon Musk hyped solar roof tiles.

The CEO said it would be a clear ‘killer product’ next year:

“When you look around in the future, decades from now, what do you want? What products will make your life better? What future do you want? And I think the future where we have found a beautiful roof that produces energy radiance that is rigid and resilient and better in every way than a regular roof and is alive with radiance, is what we want in the future. The solar roof is a killer product. This will become clear next year. ”

We have recently reported on some issues with the deployment of solar roof tiles on Tesla.

There are still some difficulties, but Tesla says it is turning the corner with accelerated deployment:

“Total solar deployments of 57 MW in Q3 have more than doubled compared to the previous quarter, the deployment of solar roofs has almost tripled.”

Musk’s point is that while the importance of production will be fully recognized next year, Tesla seems to be accelerating rents to increase its ability to deploy solar roof tiles.

Electric More than 200 open roof conditions have been discovered around the city, and Tesla is also preparing to expand solar roof installations in Canada, starting with solar roofs.

Recently, Tesla changed the type of underlay used from its solar roof tiles and also reduced the cost of production.

Take the electric

The product is attractive and it solves the problem – that is, deploying roof solar power if you need a new roof.

The combination of solar power and new roofs offers competitive financial advantages. This is not true for all types of roofing at the moment, but like most new technologies, it is initially competitive with high-end products.

With the kind of rent that Tesla is currently renting, coupled with the fact that Tesla is allowing other third-party roofing companies to install tiles, I can see why Elon says it will be a clear killer product next year. .

They need to make sure they fix the installation problems right now, but I think it’s mostly because they haven’t done enough test installations before moving into customers’ homes and so, the installers are running on issues they have. ‘T saw before.

Once that is fixed and Tesla has several other founders next year, I can see Tesla deploying more than 100 MW of solar roof tiles per quarter in the second half of 2021.

Tesla Solar and energy saving products can be a great solution for your home or business, and you can use our code (Frederick 576) for a $ 100 award on your solar roof or Tesla solar panel installation after system activation.

However, we suggest Getting Quotes from more than one installer to make sure you get the best energy solution for your location. Understandsolar is a personalized free service that allows you to link to personal rated personal solar estimates from the top rated solar installers in your area. Tesla now also offers matching prices for solar panels, so it’s important to buy the best quotes.

You can check out our Tesla Solar Roof and Solar Panel Guide for more details.

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