Elon Musk reveals why the SN10 Starship exploded

Shortly after SpaceX’s SN10 starship came down, it seemed that the prototype did not cut it off from its test flight. A minute later the vehicle exploded on its landing pad, however, creating a massive hell like its predecessor. Now, Elon Musk has revealed what went wrong in the replies sent to followers on Twitter. The head of SpaceX stated that “partial helium ingestion may have caused the SN10 engine to drop in pressure. [the] Fuel header tank “and that impact crushes the rocket’s legs and part of its skirt. SpaceX is now working on several fixes for this issue so that it no longer affects the SN10’s successor SN11.

Chris Bergen of NASA Spaceflight tweeted that the issue is “difficult”, as helium ingestion added to the pressurelization causing the SN8 starship to explode in the CH4 tank. Musk said it was a “reasonable point” and he approved the change because it seemed good at the time.

SpaceX’s Starship is a heavy-lift launch vehicle being developed to carry cargo and human passengers into Earth orbit. The explosion of the SN10 won’t slow down the company’s testing efforts – in fact, it recently turned the SN11 prototype into its Boca Chika facility to begin preparations for its fourth high-itude altitude test launch.