Elections in the United States: Donald Trump and Mike Pence try to restore the campaign as public confidence fails

Trump spent little time trying to pull the United States out of its coronavirus crisis this week, which was backed by an erratic Rose Garden press conference on Tuesday and a campaign speech by Vice President Mike Pence in Wisconsin on Friday afternoon. . Clearly losing the battle over the messages, The president and his team tried to rethink the 2020 elections as an option between his “freedom and opportunity” agenda and what Pence affirmed is Biden’s vision of an America under “increasing control of the state,” a future that, according to him, it would lead to “Socialism and decadence”.

His goal, in keeping with the President’s relentless drive to reopen the US economy regardless of human cost, is to get Americans to focus on anything other than the raging virus while distracting themselves from the imperfect effort of the administration to control it earlier this year, A fun tactic that hasn’t worked so far.

After aggressive racial harassment earlier this summer, the Trump team is turning more attention to the longtime Republican tactic of trying to paint its Democratic opponent as weak and ill-equipped to protect and defend the United States.

Reopening of Trump school pushes bet aimed at white suburban voters
Trying to signal a shake-up to tackle the drop in poll numbers, Trump demoted his campaign manager Brad Parscale this week and elevated a more experienced Republican operative, Bill Stepien, to senior office. In his first public comments as campaign manager on Thursday, Stepien argued that the Trump campaign has “better voter information, a better ground game, a better fundraiser” and a “better candidate,” and promised that the The team would use the time between now and November to “expose Joe Biden as an unfortunate tool for the far left.”

Pence on the stump

Distilling the argument from the Trump campaign in Ripon, Wisconsin, on Friday, Pence described Biden as something akin to a zombie candidate who had been chosen by Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders and the radical left, and falsely claimed that Biden is now aligned with far-left activists who want to remove the police.

The vice president pointed to a document released by the task force called by Biden and Sanders to unify the Democratic Party after Biden claimed the Democratic nomination: “I thought Joe Biden won the Democratic primary, but looking at his unity agenda, it appears that Bernie won, “said Pence in Wisconsin, a key state that Trump won by less than a percentage point in 2016.
Fact Check: Trump Misleads Sanders-Biden Task Force Proposals To Make Biden Sound

Although he hardly mentions the human cost of Coronavirus, Pence accused Biden and Sanders of adopting an agenda based on government control that would be defined by “an avalanche of regulations”, “open borders” and hostility towards the police.

Although Biden has rejected calls to “fire the police” following the death of George Floyd, who was killed by a Minneapolis police officer, Pence twisted the former vice president’s words in a recent interview with activist Ady Barkan ( where Biden said he “absolutely” agreed that some police funds should be redirected.)

With that comment, Pence said Biden had “capitulated to the radical left-wing mafia.”

“Joe Biden would weaken the thin blue line that separates order from chaos,” Pence said, noting that the Trump administration would never vanish the police. “We will defend the police every day … The hard truth is: you will not be safe in Joe Biden’s America.”

Trump echoed those comments in a tweet on Friday night: “Corrupt Joe Biden wants to fade our police. He can use different words, but when you look at his deal with Crazy Bernie and whatnot, that’s what he wants to do. It would destroy America! “

Repeating an unproven argument

But the president has tried without success He has been arguing that argument for several months, and it seems that it has not been sustained until now, as he has tried to fan the racial divide in the United States to provoke supporters who are suspicious of the cultural change inspired by Floyd’s death.
In his latest attempt to shoot white suburban voters, Trump used an event in the South Lawn of the White House to condemn an ​​Obama-era federal rule that is intended to reduce housing segregation, alleging that it “would destroy “the suburbs of the United States.

Employing tired racial tropes that were used in the previous century, and which appear to be far out of step with the opinion of most Americans today, Trump claimed that by rule, households “will drop in value and rates crime rates will increase rapidly. ” .. Suburbia will no longer be as we know it. “

Trump wants Americans to believe that Biden is a radical leftist.  It is a difficult sale.

But there is little evidence that Trump’s fear and racial division tactics are working. This week brought in another poll showing Biden leading Trump by double digits, as his coronavirus performance still appears to be a major factor in his approval ratings.

More alarming for the Trump campaign, as CNN’s Harry Enten pointed out this week, Americans continue to lose confidence in Trump’s handling of the coronavirus, and that erosion is beginning to appear among whites without a college degree and voters. rural, two groups that supported Trump by a margin of about 30 points as the core of their base in 2016.

In an average of recent ABC News / Ipsos and Quinnipiac polls, Trump’s approval rating of the coronavirus among whites without a college degree was about 50%, and the numbers were similar among rural voters, Enten said.

And as much as Trump and Pence would like to steer the conversation away from the coronavirus, it’s still a priority for Americans, as the United States broke another record Thursday with more than 77,000 new cases of Covid-19.

Two-thirds of Americans (66%) said in a new ABC News-Washington Post survey that they are at least somewhat concerned that they or someone in their family might contract the coronavirus, and 60% said they disapprove of managing the outbreak. by the President.

The confidence gap for the president when it comes to Covid-19 is evident: An astonishing 64% said they trust “not much” or none of what Trump says about the pandemic.

Lack of leadership

And yet, Trump doesn’t seem to be doing anything to show that he can lead the virus. The president spent the week talking about the dishwasher and posing with cans of Goya products at the resolved desk. Some of his aides would like him to return to the meeting room podium to receive regular information on the coronavirus, but the last time he did that, he told Americans that taking disinfectant could help treat the disease.

The administration’s steps to suppress public information about the Covid-19 spread will certainly not help rebuild voter confidence. The Trump administration’s decision to order hospitals to bypass the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and to submit their data directly to the Department of Health and Human Services met with backlash of public health experts this week.

Trump's outrageous refusal to lead is making the pandemic worse
In a statement on Friday, CDC Director Dr. Robert Redfield insisted that the change in reporting was aimed at reducing the “reporting burden” by reducing “confusion and duplication of reporting.”

“No one is taking away access or data from CDC,” said Redfield.

But the administration’s move was widely perceived as another attack on transparency in public health data. Meanwhile, the White House is preventing Redfield and other agency officials from testifying before a House committee hearing next week about the schools reopening.
Trump continues to pressure states to reopen their economies and resume school in person this fall, despite concerns from public health experts about how that could accelerate the spread of the virus to vulnerable populations, including nearly a quarter of the teachers of the nation.
Trump’s intentional disconnection from the reality of the coronavirus was also underlined later this week by an unpublished report prepared for the White House coronavirus task force, which was obtained by the nonprofit Center for Public Integrity, who recommended reversing reopens in 18 states that are part of the “red zone” coronavirus.

Devin O’Malley, a spokesman for Pence and the task force, said the report showed “encouraging signs” amid the pandemic, because a few weeks ago Pence reported that “16 states met the criteria for increasing cases and increasing the positivity rate. ” In the unpublished report, he noted that only 10 states meet that criteria. “This is just a data point for many encouraging signs that we are seeing across the country as we continue to respond to the coronavirus pandemic,” O’Malley said in a statement to CNN.

But as many times as Trump and Pence try to claim that the United States is passing the virus and that everything is fine, the data continues to tell another story.

“Do people say it’s a second wave? No. We’re still on the first wave,” Dr. Francis Collins, director of the National Institutes of Health, told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer in “The Situation Room” on Friday the night.

“It never completely disappeared,” after the major outbreaks in March and April, Collins said, “and now it is returning on a steep incline, which is, of course, a source of great concern to anyone, especially those in difficult conditions. “Impact areas”.
