EGEB: Why Baltimore’s gas explosion is sad, but not surprising

  • Baltimore’s natural gas infrastructure is polluting – and leaking – and endangering human lives.
  • The EPA is expected to lift controls on glass fiber methane.
  • A slight majority of Pennsylvania residents are against a fracking, according to a new poll.
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Baltimore Gas Explosion

Three homes in northwest Baltimore were destroyed Monday by a natural gas explosion, in which one person was killed and at least six others were seriously injured. Children were also trapped in the rubble. More than 200 rescue workers attended the scene of the explosion.

Natural gas, a fossil fuel, is used to produce nearly 25% of American electricity. In Maryland, it heats about 50% of homes.

Baltimore Gas and Electric Co. (BGE) is the nation’s oldest gas level, dating back to 1817. Chris Burton, vice president of BGE for gas distribution, said in May that one-third of its gas distribution level, one-quarter of its gas services, and half of its network transportation is more than 50 years old, according to the Baltimore Sun..

In September 2019, the Baltimore Sun. published a story titled, “Baltimore’s Natural Gas System Is Ever Smoky, Concerned About Security and Global Warming,” in which Scott Dance writes:

More and more natural gas has leaked from older pipes in and around Baltimore in recent years, probably reducing the relative Earth-friendliness of fossil fuels [Electrek‘s note: Natural gas is not Earth friendly at all] and creating dangers that could lead to explosions …

Leaks are so common that nearly two dozen of them are discovered every day, on average, according to data the Baltimore Gas and Electric Co. reports to federal authorities. The number of leaks grew by 75% from 2009 to 2016 – amid what officials called a “dramatic” increase in the failure of pipe feet from the 1950s and 1960s.

In addition to the immediate safety concerns, the leaks contribute to the greenhouse effect that has been heating the planet for decades. And new research suggests that more natural gas from Baltimore and other older cities is reaching the atmosphere than previously thought.

Natural gas emits methane, which is the second most abundant greenhouse gas, and it currently emits 10% of emissions in the US.

Reset methane control

Speaking of methane, the New York Times reports that the EPA is expected to roll back controls over the release of methane, which were placed by the Obama administration. This announcement is expected to be made on Friday.

De New York Times writes:

The EPA’s new methane rule eliminates federal requirements that oil and gas companies must install technology to identify and fix methane leaks from wells, pipelines, and storage sites.

EPA officials say the new, weaker methane rule is needed to free the oil and gas industry from what they call crippling regulation at a time when companies are suffering from stinging prices and falling demand driven by a sharp global economic downturn. However, the weakening of the rule has been in the works for more than a year.

In August, Andrew Wheeler, head of the EPA, unveiled a draft of the methane rule, saying at the time that it was removing unnecessary and duplicate regulatory burdens from the oil and gas industry. ‘

Electrek’s Take: Okay, let’s just take a minute to look at Wheeler’s offer. He worries, not about people whose homes are inflated, or the health of Americans, or the warming planet. Wheeler, a former coal lobbyist who is now the head of the Environmental Protection Agency, is interested, first and foremost, in what is best for the oil and gas industry.

Pennsylvania fracking

Pennsylvania is a crucial swing state in the U.S. election, so it is being closely watched and polled. Natural gas development is a major industry in Keystone State. A new one CBS News poll found that 52% of registered voters in Pennsylvania are opposed to fracking, and 48% are in favor of the oil and gas extraction method.

Not surprisingly, 48% said Donald Trump would do a better job at oil and gas exploration issues, compared to 42% for Joe Biden. Furthermore, Pennsylvania Republicans followed phosphils heavily over Democrats.

Biden released his green energy plan in July and put employment at the heart of his “Build Back Better” agenda. Biden would be wise to drive that point home in Pennsylvania, where fossil fuel workers will worry about continuing to work as the world moves rapidly toward green energy.

Biden’s plan states on its website:

We need millions of construction, skilled traders, and engineers to build a new American infrastructure and clean energy. These jobs will create paths for young people and for older workers who are shifting to new occupations, and for people from all backgrounds and all communities.

The investments will ensure that the communities most affected by pollution will benefit first – including low-income rural and urban communities, color communities, and native communities.

Photo: Baltimore Sun.

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