Editorial Board of Major Texas Newspaper Warns Trump Is Losing Support Due to Pandemic

The Houston Chronicle editorial board warned that President TrumpDonald John TrumpBiden hits Trump’s ‘law and order’ message: he’s trying to ‘scare the devil’ out of people Pelosi hits Barr after testimony: ‘It was like a blot’ and Trump Schumer’s ‘henchman’: Trump should want COVID-19 deal to aid Republican election opportunities MORE it is losing support in the lone star state due to its response to the coronavirus pandemic.

The board analyzed Trump’s response to the pandemic in an editorial published Wednesday, the same day Trump visited Midland, and said the outbreak in Texas “has only gotten worse” since the president visited the state in June.

“No one is as resilient as Texans when it comes to dealing with disasters and dealing with a booming economy that is suddenly going bankrupt, but we have suffered reckless and inconsistent leadership.” Instead, they encouraged us to reopen businesses, slow down test results, and a smooth contact tracking program, ”the board wrote.

“It was an unfortunate failure. How do we know? “The editorial continued.” When he visited Dallas on June 11, Texas was leading the stampede to reopen his businesses, fueled by Governor Greg Abbott’s aggressive plans and his administration’s false assurances that the outbreaks were ‘under control'”.

The editorial board noted that at the time of Trump’s last visit, the US had just over 2 million coronavirus cases and 114,000 deaths, while Texas reported around 85,000 cases and 2,000 deaths. The numbers have increased tremendously since then, with the United States reporting more than 4 million cases and 150,000 deaths. The nation’s COVID-19-related deaths are almost the population of Midland, the editorial board noted.

Texas reported more than 400,000 coronavirus cases and 6,190 deaths as of Tuesday.

“You can’t take Texas for granted this time,” the board wrote. “We know you are of little value in independent polls, Mr. President, but the consensus is growing that Texans are losing confidence that you are the person who will get the nation out of the canyon that you and your administration have helped dig. ” “

Editorial cites a Morning Consult poll released on Monday that showed a suspected Democratic presidential candidate Joe BidenJoe BidenBiden comes to Trump’s “law and order” message: he’s trying to “scare the devil” out of people. Biden Says Showcasing Talking Points About Kamala Harris Opportunity Cost of Congressional “Big Tech” Antitrust Obsession MORE leading Trump between 47 and 45 percent in Texas.Other recent polls have also shown that Trump and Biden are in the same state that Trump led by just 9 points in 2016.
