Ebola doctor Trump fails in 2014 Donald Trump hits president for lack of sympathy

The doctor, weakened by Donald Trump after he contracted Ebola while treating patients in West Africa in 2014, lashed out at the president for his response to the coronavirus epidemic, saying the lack of sympathy was “the only biggest threat to the American people.”

Craig Spencer, New York’s first Ebola case since returning home from Guinea six years ago, has been accused by Trump of being “too selfish” before feeling any symptoms and being diagnosed.

Doctors at the New York-Presbyterian and Columbia University Medical Center, who have treated hundreds of coronavirus patients, left the White House on Monday night after Trump left the hospital, where he was being treated for Covid-19, and despite being infected with the deadly virus. Mask for outside photos.

Trump then released a video in which he told Americans: “Don’t let him dominate you. Don’t be afraid of it. ”

Spencer, Global Director of Emergency Medicine at Columbia-Presbyterian Tweeted: “I followed all the public health guidelines and no one got infected. In the last few days you have unnecessarily exposed countless people, your administration is refusing to trace contact, and there has been an outbreak in the White House because of your dangerous disregard for public health.

“Don’t let it dominate your life,” you said! 210,000 Americans have died. We’ve held their hands and called their families over granular video connections so they can see their final breath. Your lack of sympathy is for the American people. There is only one big threat. You have failed us. “

In the U.S., teachers and healthcare providers “put themselves at risk” because Trump saw the virus as a “political threat, not a public health crisis,” Spacer said.

“The Ebola doctor who just left West Africa for NY and went to the subway, bowling and dining must be a very suicidal man,” the old-fashioned president tweeted in a 201 twe comment. ”

At the time, Trump also told Fox and Friends on television: “I find that doctor very selfish.”

The White House has become a “haunted town” amid complaints about contact between the president and infected aides.

Spencer, who criticized the president after the outbreak, told the Washington Post: “If the president can’t protect the White House, how can he protect the country?

“I think someone said to me, ‘Oh, this must be a really weird experience to reflect on this and what he said in 2014.’ But that’s not a strange thing. What seems strange to me is the fight against the president to end the terrible epidemic of the last century. “

He said Trump’s Covid-19 diagnosis “for some reason… made him a more authoritative voice on Covid, unlike doctors treating dead patients and telling their families on granular video connections that their loved ones have died. It’s just not the equivalent. “

Spencer traveled to Guinea for five weeks in 2014, as a volunteer at Doctors Without Borders and to help treat Ebola patients. After returning to New York in October, he said he felt frustrated and tired but had no symptoms and went back to normal life, including going on the subway and bowling, while Border Guide without Doctors.

On 23 October 2014, he measured a fever of 100.3F, reported it to Doctors with Borders and the New York City Department of Health, and was taken to Bellevue Hospital Center. He was immediately tested positive for Ebola.

He became weak, lost 20lb and his liver failed. Meanwhile, he was publicly criticized, including New York Governor Andrew Cumono, who suggested he was careless.

But less than three weeks after his diagnosis, Spencer was released from hospital after being declared Ebola-free. He said they are a “living example” of how established protocols for controlling the disease work.