Dragon Quest XI S on PS4 is a switch port, no upgrade for existing Dragon Quest XI players

Dragon Quest XI S PS4 update

When Dragon Quest XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age was announced today for PlayStation 4, existing Dragon Quest XI players on the Sony system were wondering if they would have to buy the game again. S is essentially a definitive edition of the RPG release. Includes new story content with additional game modes, a fully orchestrated soundtrack, and more. But can people who already bought the original Dragon Quest XI just upgrade to this new version of the game? Sadly not.

As revealed on the title’s official Japanese website (based on the BlackKite translation), there is no update for existing Dragon Quest XI players on PS4. In other words, if you want to experience all new things, you will have to buy Dragon Quest XI S.

Supposedly one of the reasons for this is because Dragon Quest XI S on PS4 is a port of the Nintendo Switch version, which was released in 2019. The official website says: “[Dragon Quest XI S is] a port of the Nintendo Switch version, so the graphics are not the same as for the original Dragon Quest XI on PlayStation 4. Please note, however, that the resolution and frame rate are at least as good as they were for the original PlayStation 4 Launch. “

In other words, it looks like this relaunch is going to carry over the graphical downgrades of the Switch version. Baffling Square Enix stuff, and the publisher wants existing PS4 players to pay the full price for everything again.

What do you think of this? Are you willing to buy Dragon Quest XI again, or is it a deciding factor? Gather your party in the comment section below.
