Dr. Birx defends the coronavirus tests from the Trump administration: ‘This is a very different epidemic than the one we had in March and April’

Dr. Deborah Birx, coordinator of the White House coronavirus working group, appeared on Wednesday in the “Special Report with Bret Baier,” where she addressed several coronavirus issues as the country faces new spikes.

“This time we saw a large virus spread throughout counties, rural areas, more meters, and larger meters throughout the south, southwest, and west almost simultaneously,” Birx said of the latest coronavirus movement. “So this was an event that we believe can be traced back to Memorial Day and openness and people traveling again and on vacation.”


“This is a very different epidemic than the one we had in March and April, and will require additional testing. Therefore, this increase and this degree of cases so widespread, compared to the previous one, must be addressed,” Birx told Baier, defending the administration in the tests. “I think that’s what the president was talking about when he spoke yesterday, increasing our testing and having a strategy that increases testing in areas that we can actually decrease as response times pass.”

However, the doctor said response times for tests should be improved, particularly in the south.

“Of course we have a test strategy, but really addressing these response times will be absolutely critical,” said Birx.

Birx explained how the current increase differed from the initial spread of the virus before Baier asked about comments from President Trump’s press conference on children less susceptible to the coronavirus.

“I think there are still open questions there. And that’s why the president concluded, ‘We are studying this very hard.’ I think it is a very important question that we must understand. Do children under the age of 10 transmit the virus less?” Birx said. “That’s what the South Korean study suggests. But I think it really needs to be confirmed here. I think that’s the kind of question that needs to be answered critically. And I think the multi-generational household question is critically important.”

When asked about children attending school in the fall, Birx said that flexibility is key.

“Children who have pre-existing conditions that we know are susceptible to the virus should probably not be in a situation at school where an active virus circulates,” said Birx. “Teachers who have what we call pre-existing conditions that put them at greater risk or more serious illness. They have to be cared for.”


“And then most children. What is their risk? We know from today’s data that children do quite well with the virus. So if we protect teachers, we have teachers in the classroom who are protected through of innovation. Some people are putting on plastic bumpers … We know all of these things work, “Birx said. “And I think it really requires that school districts plan and be flexible and put the child at the center of deciding what is best for America’s children and what is best to protect children and their home at home. You know , everyone is going to have to work with those very specific problems. “