Double planet? It will be beautiful to see the Saturn / Jupiter eclipse view

Jupiter and Saturn, the two largest planets in the solar system, will remain stationary in almost the same position in the Monday night sky, creating a bright scene.

According to NASA, the positions of the two planets are adjusted once every two years. While conjunctivitis occurs more often during a typical lifetime, the association of these intensities is quite rare. The last time the two planets were close to each other in the night sky was 400 years ago, but neither was able to see it because the connection occurred during the day.

The last time its intensity was connected at 800 was at night.

The best time to see the connection would be about an hour after sunset in the southwest sky. Jupiter will look brighter than Saturn closer and bigger.

So what is the reason for the combination?

“You can imagine the solar system as a racecar, each planet as a runner in its own lane and towards the center of the earth,” said Henry Thrupe, an astronomer at the Department of Planetary Science at NASA headquarters in Washington. “From our vantage point, as we move closer to Saturn throughout the month and finally overtake it on December 21, it will be able to see Jupiter in the inner lane.”

The time of attachment increases in grandeur. Monday also marks the winter solstice.

Being four days before Christmas, some are calling the event a “Christmas star”, although the connection is to the planets, not the stars. Scientists have long speculated that the constellation Bethlehem was a pair of seven of the two planets.

Such connections can occur at any time of the year, depending on where the planets are in their orbits, Thrope said. “The date of the joint is determined by the positions of Jupiter, Saturn and the Earth on their orbits around the Sun, while the date of the solstice is determined by the inclination of the Earth’s axis. The solstice is the longest night of the year, so this rare coincidence will give people the best chance to go out and see the solar system. ”

When the two planets appear to be very close to each other, in reality, they will be millions of miles apart.