Double meteor showers will light up the night sky as Comet Neowise vanishes

The cosmos is concluding a spectacular month of celestial events with a double characteristic: two meteor showers that peak at the same time. How Neowise kite Makes its way back to the outer solar system, next week brings the peak not only of southern Delta-Aquariids, but also of Alpha Capricornids.

What are the Southern Delta-Aquariids and Alpha Capricornids?

The southern delta-Aquariids are active every year from July 12 to August 23, according to NASA. This year, the meteor shower peaks on Monday, July 27 through Tuesday and Wednesday.

Under ideal conditions, sky watchers can expect to see about 25 meteors per hour.

Delta Aquariid meteorites appear to radiate from the constellation Aquarius the Water Bearer, which, as seen from the northern hemisphere, arches across the southern sky. The radiant point is aligned with the star Skat (Delta Aquarii), giving the shower its name.

Meteorites are remnants of comet particles and fragments of broken asteroids. The comet that astronomers suspect is responsible for the meteor shower is called 96P / Macholz, which was discovered in 1986 by Donald Machholz and orbits the sun once every five years.

According to the American Meteor Society, Alpha Capricornids are active from July 2 to August 10, and they also peak at the beginning of next week.

This meteor shower is much less active, producing only about 3 meteors per hour. The average Capricorn alpha meteor is relatively slow, but the rain brings with it impressive fireballs.

Meteorites appear to radiate from the Sagittarius and Aquila constellation boundary, just southeast of a star called 37 Aquilae and west of Alpha2 Capricorni (Algedi).

Comet Machholz by Jamie Cooper.
Comet Machholz, responsible for the Delta-Aquariids of the South.

Jamie Cooper / SSPL / Getty Images

When and where to watch the meteor showers

The Delta-Aquariids are clearly visible from the southern hemisphere, but the mid-northern latitudes will also be able to see the show. Meteors will be visible on the days surrounding the shower peaks.

The faint Delta-Aquariid meteorites, which lack persistent trains and fireballs, can be difficult to detect, especially if the moon is present. Therefore, searching during the peak of the shower will give viewers the best opportunity to see meteors.

Alternatively, Alpha Capricornids produces a large number of glowing fireballs, despite a lack of strength. This shower looks equally good on both sides of the equator.

If time permits, NASA recommends finding a place with a clear view of a large swath of the sky, preferably to the south. Stay away from any light source and look up on Monday morning between 12:20 am EDT and 4:17 am, sunrise. Similar views will be available for several days early next week.

Lie on your back and look up, allowing your eyes to adjust for several minutes before observing as much of the sky as possible. Be patient: the show will last until dawn.

“Looking halfway between the horizon and zenith, and at 45 degrees from the Aquarius constellation will improve your chances of seeing the Delta Aquariids,” NASA said. “In less than 30 minutes in the dark, your eyes will adjust and you will start to see meteors.”

If you can’t detect the rains, look for them again during the Perseid meteor shower in August, when they will still be visible. Although the Perseids, the most spectacular meteor shower of the year, is currently active, its peak will not arrive until next month.
