“I’ve seen a lot of console players concerned about this, but they don’t.”
A Respawn developer has posted a short message to assure Apex Legends fans playing on the console that they don’t have to worry about upcoming crossover game plans negatively impacting matches.
In a TikTok video, Respawn software engineer Jake Smullin acknowledged that the team developing the Battle Royale had seen “many console gamers concerned about this,” but confirmed that unless they have a PC player on Your own fire team will not be paired to a PC lobby.
“I wanted to clarify something about the crossover game,” Smullin said via his TikTok video (thanks, DBLTAP). “You will only be in PC game rooms if you have a PC player on your team.
“I’ve been seeing a lot of console players worried about this, but no. Everyone should be excited.”
Don’t forget, Apex Legends will appear on Switch this fall, and a smooth mobile launch is expected later this year as well.
As EA CEO Andrew Wilson details in a recent investor call, Apex Legends will have a soft launch on mobile devices “later this year.” EA already outlined plans for a mobile launch of Apex Legends in a earnings call last year, but this is the first time we’ve heard of a launch window.