Donald Trump is even losing to Joe Biden over his pet problem

“Biden can’t put two sentences together,” Trump told “Fox News Sunday” host Chris Wallace over the weekend. “They take him out. He goes upstairs, repeats, asks him questions. He reads a teleprompter and then goes back to his basement.”
Later, Trump added: “Joe doesn’t know he’s alive, okay? He doesn’t know he’s alive.”

Look, Biden is old, he would be 78 years old when he was inaugurated in 2021, the oldest person chosen for a first term, and Trump, who has struggled to find a good line of attack against the former vice president, has stuck to the idea of that he can convince people that the alleged Democratic candidate is not quite there.

(Nota bene: There is no real evidence that Biden’s mental acuity is declining. Trump’s “evidence” is that Biden occasionally speaks ill, which he has 1. done throughout his political career and 2. Trump has too) .

Here’s the hole in Trump’s strategy: Voters are more concerned with Trump’s brainpower than Biden’s, at least according to a new Fox News poll.

When asked if Biden “has the mental strength to effectively serve as president,” 47% said yes, while 39% said no.

When Trump was asked the same question, 43% said the headline was mentally sound enough to be effective as president, while 51% said no.

So a little quick math gives you this: Biden is +8 on the mental strength question, while Trump is -8. Which is not good news, at all, for Trump’s hopes of rekindling voters’ doubts about Biden’s mental fitness.

Point: Trump is a deeply flawed messenger in the eyes of many voters about mental fitness for work. Every time he attacks Biden on the subject, he reminds people of their doubts about him in that area.
