Dolphin Boyle, the one-time secret daughter of a former Belgian king, holds the royal title

Bole, a 52-year-old sculptor, filed a lawsuit in 2013 seeking recognition of the former king, now 86, as his father. He claimed that the king had an affair with his mother Sibyl de Salis Longchamps, resulting in his birth in 1968.

King fought the lawsuits for seven years and even failed to submit a DNA paternity test in October 2018 when Apple Pall’s was ordered by a Brussels court. Last May, the court ruled that the former king would have to pay a daily fine of € 1,000,000 until he took the test – which he finally agreed to.

In January, he admitted that he was indeed Bell’s biological father.

Bowl will now change his last name to his father, “Sux Cobberg”. Her children will also become Princess and Prince of Belgium.

“He is pleased with the court’s decision to end his lengthy proceedings, which are particularly painful for him and his family,” Bell’s lawyer, Yves-Henry Lele, told CNN in a statement. “Legal victory will never change fatherly love but will provide a sense of justice,” he added.

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Albert II married Queen Paola of Belgium, Paola Ruffo de Calabria, in 1959, and became king in 1993. In 2013, at the age of 79, Albert II left the throne in favor of his son Philip, citing concerns about his age and health. .

Rumors of a child born out of wedlock began to float a few years after King Paola ascended the throne, ignited by allegations published in his 1999 biography.

The scandal, and Boyle’s name as the alleged child, scattered on the front pages of newspapers. Despite repeated denials of paternity by the king, he began to speak openly about the case to the media in later years.
