DNI announces Brennan Knots, CIA memo ‘upsets’ scandal between Trump and Russia over Hillary Clinton

Exclusive: National Intelligence Director John Ratcliffe on Tuesday released leaked documents in which former CIA director John Brennan briefed former President Obama on Hillary Clinton’s then-candidate Donald Trump’s “plan” to tie the knot with Russia in 2016. Before the presidential election, the private email server “, Fox News has learned.

Ratcliffe released Brennan’s handwritten notes – which were taken shortly after he presented Obama with intelligence about the intelligence he had obtained from the CBI – and a CIA memo, revealing that officers had turned the case over to the FBI for possible investigation.

The Office of the Director of National Intelligence transferred the documents, announced Tuesday afternoon, to the House and Senate Intelligence Committees.

“Today, at the direction of President Trump, I announced additional documents related to the ongoing congressional oversight and investigative activities,” Rexcliffe said in a statement to Fox News on Tuesday.

A source familiar with the documents explained that Brennan’s handwritten notes were taken after briefing Obama on the matter.

“We gain additional insights into Russian activities [REDACTED], ”Brennan read the notes. “Ct [summarizing] Brennan’s note reads that Hillary Clinton approved a proposal by one of her foreign policy advisers to defame Donald Trump by carrying out a scam claiming interference by the Russian security service.

The notes read “On July 28”. In “Margin,” Brennan writes “Potts,” but that section of the notes is reversed.

The notes read, “There is no evidence of cooperation between the Trump campaign + Russia.”

The rest of the notes, except for the margin, are rewritten, with the words: “Jesse,” “Dennis,” and “Susan.”

The notes do not spell full names, but “Jesse” could refer to then-FBI Director James Cummins, “Susan” to National Security Adviser Susan Rice, and “Dennis” to Obama’s Chief of Staff, Dennis McCadono. .

This disclosure came after Ratcliffe shared newly released information with the Senate Judiciary Committee over the weekend last year, which revealed that in September, 2016, U.S. Intelligence officials advanced the context of the investigation on Hillary Clinton. Hinders U.S. elections.

That referral was sent to Com and then to the Deputy Assistant Director of Counterinflation Peter Struck.

“The following information is provided for the specific use of your bureau for background check procedures or for the appropriate purpose,” the CIA memo said.

“This memorandum contains sensitive information that the source may disclose. It should be handled with special attention to the compartment and the need to know specifically. To avoid possible compromise of the source, any investigative action taken in response to the following information should be coordinated. Legal, with advance, read “Memo, which was sent to Come and Str Ok Zok.” It cannot be used in any legal proceedings, without prior approval, including FISA petitions … “

“At the FBI’s verbal request, the CIA provides the following examples of information obtained to date from the Crossfire Hurricane Fusion Cell,” the memo continued. “” An exchange [REDACTED] US presidential candidate Hillary Clinton discusses approval of a plan to block US presidential candidate Donald Trump and Russian hackers from using a private email server in the US election as a means of distracting people. “

The memo is heavily redacted.

Such new information says that Hillary Clinton is drumming Russia to dissuade Trump from ‘ringing the bell’.

Ratcliffe informed the committee last week that the Obama administration had obtained Russian intelligence with allegations against Clinton in July 2016, but warned that the intelligence community could not “exaggerate or falsify the text of the accuracy of this accusation or Russian intelligence analysis”. ”

According to Tuckleef’s letter, the proposal to defame Donald Trump, one of his foreign policy advisers, on July 26, 2016, “allegedly approved by Hillary Clinton,” included a scandal alleging interference by Russian security services in intelligence. “

Clinton’s spokesman, Nick Merrill, called the allegations “baseless.”

But Ratcliffe, in a statement released after the information was released, called it “Russian disinformation.”

In a statement to Fox News, Ratcliffe said that to be clear, this is not a Russian disintegration and has not been assessed by the intelligence community. “I will inform Congress about the sensitive sources and methods by which it was achieved. In the coming days.”

A source familiar with the documents told Fox News on Tuesday that the allegations were “not scattered.”

“This is not a Russian dissolution. Brennan also knew he would not brief the president of the United States on it,” the source said. “The President of the United States has a high threshold for verbally shortening and he clearly felt that this meets that threshold.”

Another source familiar with the documents told Fox News that “this information has been sought by hundreds of congressional requests for legal inspection purposes and was withheld despite being political – and the belief is that they will never be caught.”

The source added that Brennan’s notes are significant because they are “his own words, written and memorable in real time.”

Meanwhile, during a hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee last week, Coyne was asked if he had received an investigation referral on Clinton since 2016, but he said he would “not play any bricks.”

“Don’t you remember getting an investigative lead from the intelligence community?” On September 7, 2016, U.S. intelligence officials sent investigative referrals to James Kymi and Strauss-Kahn regarding Clinton’s approval of a plan. [about] Trump તરીકે as a means of distraction? ”Graham Come asked.

“It doesn’t ring a bell with me,” May said.

“It’s a pretty wonderful thing that it doesn’t ring the bell,” Graham fired back. You make these inquiries from the intelligence community to see the Clinton campaign trying to disrupt, accusing Trump of being a Russian agent or a Russian fundamentalist. “

Graham questioned “how far it is.” The Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee put in writing Fusion GPS and former British intelligence officer Christopher Steele by law firm Perkins Koi and compiled information for those in dispute and unsupported. Anti-Trump dossier.

The Clinton Campaign and the Democratic National Committee hired Fusion GPS and former British intelligence officer Christopher Steele to write and compile information for a controversial and unsupported anti-Trump dossier by legislator Perry Perkins.

The dossier contains claims about alleged ties between Donald Trump and Russia that serve as the basis for the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) and warrants obtained against Trump’s former campaign aide Carter Page.

Hillary Clinton strikes at Obama administration contender Trump drummed up by Russia, district by email

Com maintained that the referral is not a “familiar voice”.

Meanwhile, House Intelligence Committee ranking member Devin Nunes, R-Calif., And this information potentially documented incoming “smoking guns.”

“The documents underlying what we’ve seen now, I’ve only seen a few of them – they’re smoking guns,” Nunes said this week on Sunday Morning Futures. “That information definitely needs to be made available to the American people.”

Nunes added that the information disclosed by Ratcliffe was “more substantial evidence to back up”, and was told how long it took the President’s allies to release the information and make it public, “torturing the mind.”

“It’s been a very difficult task for us to get to the bottom, because you have corrupt officials,” Nunes said.

Attorney General Bill Barney last year appointed Connecticut’s John Attorney’s U.S. attorney to investigate the origins of the FBI’s Russia investigation, then completed his years-long investigation into whether special adviser Robert Mueller was allied with the Russians to influence the 2016 presidential election. .

It is unclear whether this information will be considered part of Durham’s investigation.