Divine says the White House did not contact him about a possible Covid-19 contact with Ohioans after the diagnosis.

“Well, they haven’t reached me. I know I talked to the CEO of the Cleveland Clinic the other day, who gave me an update, who gave me a report, so I don’t know if they’ve reached Cleveland. Whether the clinic is there or not.” “They haven’t talked to me about it, no,” the Republican governor told CNN’s Jack Tapper on “State the Union.”

The president took part in the first presidential debate against Democrat J B Biden in Cleveland last week. Dwyane said he did not participate in the discussion, but Tapper admitted he wanted the president to wear a mask more often.

“I want to – see if I want the president to wear a mask all the time? Of course. You know,” he said.

Still, Dyne added: “You know, when people vote, there are other things, you know, besides that.”

Trump was moved to Warter Reed Medical Center on Friday for being reluctant to wear a mask and wearing a Biden mask during Tuesday’s debate and is being treated for the virus.
Debate organizers urged attendees to wear masks and when the Trump family wore masks as they entered the debit hall, they removed them as the night wore on. A week before the debate, Trump held a campaign rally in Ohio where he denied the effects of the virus.

Divine and his wife announced Friday that they have tested negative for the virus. Asked on Sunday whether he was concerned that the president had put his citizens at risk for the virus infection, Dyne told Tapper he was not offended, but said he hoped people would learn from it.

“This should be a kind of warning to everyone that anyone can get the virus, even the president of the United States,” he said. “So we should use this and just, you know, learn from it and so people who haven’t worn masks in the past, you know, I hope they pay attention to this and say, ‘Look at the president. Get it. Maybe, I can get it and it can happen to anyone. ‘I hope that’s what happens and it comes out of this.’

It is unclear where the president first infected the virus, but a senior administration official told Tapper on Saturday that a cluster of coronavirus cases among Republican officials began at the Rose Garden event announcing the appointment of Judge Amy Connie Barrett to the Supreme Court.
Many around the president have recently tested positive for the virus, including first lady Melania Trump and Trump campaign manager Bill Stepian. Former New Jersey Govt. Christy Christie, who helped prepare the president for the debate and attended the nomination program, tested positive for the virus on Saturday and examined herself in hospital as a precautionary measure.

This story has been updated with more from the interview.

Gregory Craig of CNN contributed to this report.
