We’ve all been patiently waiting for more news about Disney Ratatouille trip ready to hit Epcot soon, and while I have no news on that today, Disney left us a crumb of Remy fans this week by sharing an adorable video exploring their current Ratatouille walk.
Disney, for those who don’t know, has a trip to Disneyland Paris called Ratatouille: the adventure, which places passengers inside small rat-shaped cars, “shrinks” them to be Chef Remy’s size and sends them on an adventure through the Gusteau restaurant. While you can find some blurry rides of this attraction on YouTube, this one is obviously crystal clear and fully Disney-approved.
The video doesn’t exactly take you through the entire journey from start to finish, so don’t worry about spoilers, but it does give you a little more than we might expect from Epcot’s journey (it’s unclear if they will be exactly the the same but the cars look very similar!). The Disney video also gives you a lot of interesting facts about this trip, including the fact that Pixar animators made all the videos for the trip, and that in the “fridge” section, you will see things like a height of almost 25 feet fished and one ton ham.
Sure, it’s not the same as the great feeling you will have when you can finally travel with Remy by yourself, but this video is sure to excite you even more the day you finally can … more you can feel really superior when you tell all your friends how it’s similar and different from the Disneyland Paris trip. How cool are you
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