Researchers have discovered a new superhighway network to travel through the solar system that was previously possible. Such routes could run comets and asteroids nearby Jupiter To Neptune100 astronomical units in less than a decade and less than a century. They can be used to send spacecraft compared to our planetary system, and to monitor and understand objects close to Earth that could collide with our planet.
In his paper published in the November 25, 2020 issue Science progress, The researchers observed the dynamic formation of these passages, forming a connected series of arches within what is known as a manifold extending from the inner belt. Uranus In and out. This newly discovered “celestial aut tobahn” or celestial highway, which has been in operation for several decades, has been showing the dynamics of the solar system in general for hundreds of thousands or millions of years.
This video shows the structure of manifolds of space in the solar system like a global arch. Map 20 A.U. Shows the region between the outer edges of the main asteroid belt at 3 AU beyond the semi-main axis of Uranus. The orbits located on the static manifolds appear in lighter shades. Credit: University of California San Diego
The most obvious arch structures are connected to Jupiter and strict gravitational forces. The population of Jupiter-family comets (20-year orbital comets) as well as small-sized solar system bodies known as centaurs is controlled by such manifolds on unprecedented time scales. Some of these bodies will collide with Jupiter or be thrown out of the solar system.
These constructs were compromised by collecting statistics about millions of orbits in our solar system and calculating how these orbits fit into manifolds of already known space. How it can be used by spacecraft, or how such manifolds behave around the Earth, control the encounter of asteroids and meteors, as well as control the growing population of artificial man-made objects, the results of both need to be further studied. In the Earth-Moon system.
Reference: Natia Todorovia, De Wu and Aaron J. Rosengren 25 November 2020, “Arches of Chaos in the Solar System” Science progress.
DOI: 10.1126 / sciadv.abd1313