Disapproval of Trump’s coronavirus response rises to 60 percent amid surge: poll

Sixty percent of Americans disapprove President TrumpDonald John Trump Civil Rights Legend Representative John Lewis Dies Biden Warns About Interference In Russian Elections After Receiving Intelligence Reports Texas Officials Offer Schools Option To Offer Classes Online Only Until November MOREManagement of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic as COVID-19 cases continue to rise across the country, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News survey.

The poll released on Friday found that 38 percent of Americans approved of the president’s handling of the pandemic, compared to 46 percent who said the same thing in May and 51 percent of respondents in March.

The president’s disapproval rating on his handling of the pandemic increased from 53 percent in May to 45 percent in March.

More than half of respondents, 52 percent, “strongly” disapprove of the president’s leadership amid the outbreak, marking a 36 percent increase in March.

The poll also found that Trump’s ratings of his handling of the pandemic have dropped among groups that have been his strongest supporters.

Among white evangelical Protestants, 68 percent approved of Trump’s handling of the pandemic, a 16-point drop, according to The Washington Post. 56% of white men without college degrees agreed, in addition to 48% of rural residents.

Among independent politicians, 39 percent approve of the president’s handling of the outbreak. Only 4 percent of Democrats said they approved, and 79 percent of Republicans agreed.

Most respondents also said they don’t trust what Trump publicly says about the outbreak. More than 6 in 10 said they don’t trust what the president says, which includes 2 out of 3 independent politicians and about 3 out of 10 Republicans.

Additionally, the poll released on Friday found that 63 percent of respondents said it is more important to control the spread of the pandemic, even at the expense of the economy, compared to 57 percent in the May poll.

Eighty percent of Americans said they wore a mask in public all or part of the time. That number rose to 96 percent among Democrats in the poll. Seventy-six percent of independents said the same thing, along with 66 percent of Republicans.

The poll comes as the national debate on facial masks intensifies, with several state governors, including the governor of Colorado. Jared PolisJared Schutz, PolisColorado woman in viral video, store employees asking her to wear a ‘Nazis’ mask Disapproval of Trump’s coronavirus response jumps to 60 percent amid the surge: US poll confirms more than 75,600 new cases of coronavirus, breaking the record for a single day MORE (D) and Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey (R), issuing orders requiring citizens to wear masks in public.

However, Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp (R) sued Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms (D) Thursday for blocking his city-wide mask mandate.

“This lawsuit is on behalf of Atlanta business owners and their hardworking employees who are struggling to survive during these difficult times,” Kemp said in a statement Thursday.

“These men and women are doing their best to put food on the table for their families, while local elected officials close businesses and undermine economic growth.”

The president last week wore a face mask during his visit to Walter Reed Hospital, marking the first time he had publicly covered his face in front of the cameras.

The Post-ABC survey was conducted from July 12 to 15 among a sample of 1,006 adults. Seventy-five percent of the interviews were conducted by cell phone and 25 percent by landline phone. The margin of error for the survey is 3.5 percentage points.
