Did George Lucas really use C-3PO to cover the film’s limited special effects?

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker It was not the clear success that nobody wanted it to be. But even as fans continue to argue about everything Star WarsThey remain as passionate as ever about the original George Lucas trilogy. A fan even posted a fun theory about an unexplained line early in the first movie.

George Lucas at the Academy Awards
George Lucas at the Academy Awards | Time Life Pictures / DMI / The LIFE Picture Collection via Getty Images

George Lucas created an innovative film show

Regardless of how divisive some of the Star Wars saga has been, Lucas’s legacy is indeed safe. Even with the limitations of the time, the filmmaker created something that has inspired generations of fans. To execute his vision, Lucas and his team needed to develop new ways to bring the story to life.

Somehow, Lucas was simply applying character archetypes and classic storytelling techniques to a new medium. But in the process, it shaped everything that followed Star Wars to the big screen. In hindsight, some fans are even reevaluating Lucas’ prequel trilogy. Now that Lucas has moved on, it’s even more fascinating to consider his approach.

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Fans Suggest Lucas Had Another Reason For A Key ‘Star Wars’ Scene

The effects on the original Star Wars The trilogy continues even decades later. But since Lucas is known for being a perfectionist, a fan turned to Reddit to post a theory about an apparently disposable line uttered by none other than Anthony Daniels’ C-3PO.

In the first moments of Star Wars: a new hope, Darth Vader (David Prowse) and his forces attack and invade Leia’s (Carrie Fisher) ship. And C-3PO and R2-D2 narrowly escape the clutches of the Empire by jumping into an escape pod. Once they have reached a safe distance, C-3PO says, “That is funny. Damage doesn’t look too bad from here.

This line is at the center of fan theory. The Redditor suggests that Lucas added this dialogue to cover the imperfect special effects. Leia’s ship, in her eyes, should probably have been more visibly damaged. So making C-3PO notice so much softness about this apparent plot hole for the public.


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Lucas’s final project in the saga only recently ended his career.

Of course, this theory is pure speculation. We do not know in one way or another whether this was Lucas’s intention. But if it’s true, it’s another testament to the filmmaker’s creative solutions for telling his stories. His instincts and vision, according to some fans, are gone. Star Wars a little hollow

Only months later Skywalker’s rise The Skywalker saga is over, the final Star Wars project with Lucas’s credit – Star Wars, the Clone Wars – It also ended. For the first time, Lucas has no direct influence on the saga he created. Still, at least his protégé, Dave Filoni, is heavily involved.