Detroit Police Prolonged Murder, Temporary Ban on Other Opposition Gear: Judge

According to reports, a federal judge in Detroit has ordered city police to stop using batons, ieldals, gas, chokeholds, rubber bullets or sound cannons against peaceful protesters.

According to the Detroit Free Press, the late verdict on Friday ordered a temporary restraining order for the Detroit Will Breath, the group that sued the city on Monday, according to the Detroit Free Press, claiming more police force violated the protesters’ First Amendment rights.

U.S. Police in riot gear stormed a rally on Friday, removing hundreds of protesters by truck. Police in riot gear stormed a rally on Friday, removing hundreds of protesters by truck.

Jack Schulz, who sued the group, called the verdict a victory.

“In the short term, we know that the police will not be able to use the ruthless tactics used in the past against peaceful protesters without violating the court order,” he said.

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Detroit Police Chief James Craig said police never used force against peaceful protesters.

“We will continue to do our job the way we did,” he said. “We respect the peaceful protesters. We understand the judge’s order and we will make sure that the protesters understand whether there is any aggression or violation of the law, they will get adequate notice as they did in the past.”

“We continue to do our job the way we did. We respect peaceful protesters.”

– Detroit Police Chief James Craig

Authorities opposed the protest with all available police forces, special services and the army. “

According to the Detroit News, Craig said the department is investigating about two dozen complaints against officers, including one officer who was charged with aggravated assault for killing three photojournalists with a rubber bullet.

“We believe that when the evidence is heard, today’s police action will be justified.”

– Lawrence Garcia, Detroit City Attorney

Officers are prohibited from tightening zip ties until they injure or arrest a large number of protesters without a probable cause.

“We are disappointed that the order was filed without hearing the evidence because we believe that when the evidence is heard, the police action will be justified,” said City Attorney LeRance Garcia.

According to the Free Press, Detroit Will Breath’s lawyer, Amanda Unnam, said in a statement Friday that authorities have repeatedly responded with violence and hostility to “important messages about black life.”

“We are relieved that Detroit Will Braith will be able to safely and peacefully celebrate the 100th day of their protest (Saturday), without fear of violent retaliation by police or unlawful arrest – it has always been the main target of this lawsuit.” .

The Free Press report states that the two sides ordered a meeting in late September on opposition standards, including “arrest protocol; de-escalation protocol, and protocol for reporting by neutral observers.”

Detroit Board of Police Commissioners on Wednesday approved guidelines that would ban officers from using chokeholds and require them to intervene if another officer uses excessive force.

Craig noted that police did not use chokeholds against protesters.

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According to the Detroit News, “If someone is resisting arrest, or trying to attack our officers, we will use both reasonable and necessary force to meet the resistance.” “We don’t want to hurt protesters, and we don’t want to hurt officials.”