At Gamescom’s Opening Night Light, Bungie took another look at Stasis, the upcoming new powers in Destiny 2: Past light. The new trailer gave us a look at some new capabilities, such as the names for the new subclasses. But a recent update on Bungie’s website looks at more of the new features, revealing dates for each Stasis subclass.
There’s a new asset from Stasis Field that appears to come from a grenade. The Stasis Field is a giant winter storm that consumes an area. Based on the trailer, targets appear within the field to freeze over time, taking possible damage. When enemies freeze, they do not seem to move at all. Damage from enemies with certain moves seems to “shake” them, deal extra damage and cause an explosion in the area.
The Shadebinder Warlock uses a staff of ice and appears to have two primary abilities: a frozen attack and a splinter attack. (This is a common theme for Stasis.) We see the Warlock drop an ice bolt on a group of Vex, and then use some sort of burst skill to break them into 1,000 pieces.
We also see the Warlock throwing a Stasis Field during a cruiser game. The field slows the Hunter inside, the Warlock blows them with their Super to freeze them instantly, and switches to a sniper rifle. The sniper then seems to break the frozen hunter in one shot, despite the Warlock aiming only at the body.
The Revenant Hunter seems to be working very hard on the Blade Barrage feature – as seen in some Bungie B-roles, where the game refers to the Super as Silence and Squall. The Hunter jumps into the air with its two axes, throws one and then the other into a crowd, and the group explodes into frozen chunks of ice. In the trailer, the explosion appears to have left an ice tornado, which freezes a nearby Minotaur.
We then see another Stasis Field grenade – this time from a hunter – coming at a group of crucible enemies. The enemies kill one of the Hunter’s allies, but they seem to freeze after standing in Stasis Field for too long. The hunter then uses their melee-override glaive throw, bounces it off a wall and into enemies, and breaks them both.
Finally, we look at the Behemoth Titan, which makes an ice-cold glove over its fist. In the B-role for this Super (called Glacial Quake) the Titan runs to hit the ground and freeze near enemies. The alternate attack sees the Titan strike a target with their frozen fist, breaking all the enemies they hit. This is another roaming Super for the Titan.
The rest of the trailer shows some stylish moves, some of which we’ve seen before. We see the Hunter sticking his ice ax into the ground, stabbing enemies nearby, and Titan slipping into frozen enemies to break them. We also get a new look at a Warlock perk, which freezes immediate enemies nearby as the Warlock launches its Rift.
In one of the last shots, we see a Titan freeze a group of crusading enemies and then a Warlock that dives in to break them. This confirms that Stasis abilities play off each other, giving players incentives to run more than one at a time.
The Bungie B-roll revealed one extra treat in the gameplay. When players hit their Super and kill enemies, they no longer generate Orbs of Light – the coin that allows allies to get their Supers back faster. Instead, they generate Orbs of Power. With the Stasis forces explicitly coming from The Darkness, it seems they are incapable of generating Light energy. We’ll probably learn more about this when Bungie launches Past light, and we learn how Guardians get these new Darkness powers.
Bungie will continue to announce the subclasses over the next two weeks, with a new class every few days:
- Warlock Shadebinder on September 1st
- Titan Behemoth on September 3rd
- Hunter Revenant on September 8th
Bungie will launch Lot 2: Past light on November 10 for PlayStation 4, Windows PC, and Xbox One. Next-gen versions of the game will come to PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X later this year.