Derek Chauvin: In Judge Floyd’s death, the judge dropped the charge of third-degree murder against the former officer, but left the charge of second-degree murder pending.

Chauvin is still facing charges of second-degree manslaughter and second-degree homicide in Floyd’s death on May 25, which counted nationwide protests and race and policing this summer.

Chauvin, who was released on a 1 1 million bond earlier this month, was seen in a video of an incident that kept him kneeling on Floyd’s neck for eight minutes, when a black man told Chauvin and three other officers – Tau Thao, Thomas Lane and J. Alexander. Kueng – that he could not breathe.

In a ruling issued Wednesday, Judge Peter Cahill also denied the allegations against former Minneapolis police officers, who have been charged with aiding and abetting second-degree murder and aiding and abetting second-degree genocide.

According to Cahill’s ruling, the jury should decide whether the state of Minnesota has found the former officials guilty, summarizing that the state has reached a load of probable cause in the charges against Thao, Lane and Kueng.

The exception was the charge of third degree murder against Chauvin. Cahill wrote that the charge could only be sustained “in a situation in which the defendant’s actions were ‘knownly dangerous to others’ and did not specifically direct the person who died.”

But the evidence presented by the state does not show that Chauvin’s actions were “dangerous” to anyone except Floyd, the verdict said.

In a statement, Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellis, who led the proceedings in Floyd’s death, called the ruling a “positive step toward bringing justice to George Floyd, his family, our community and Minnesota.”

“The court has upheld eight of the nine charges against the defendants in the murder of George Floyd, including the most serious charges against all four defendants,” Ellis said.

“We look forward to hearing the plaintiff’s case before the Hannepin County jury,” he added.

Chauvin’s lawyer declined to comment Thursday. Kueng’s attorney said the ruling “reflects significant scholarship, integrity and work ethic – which is appreciated.” Attorney Thomas C. Plunkett declined to comment further, saying he was still in the process of reviewing the order.

Lawyers for other officials did not immediately respond to CNN’s request for comment Thursday morning. CNN Has reached out to an attorney representing Floyd’s family.
