It’s amazing how fast time goes by. It seems like Denise Richards joined yesterday The real housewives of Beverly Hills with her adorable daughter Lola in high school in tow. Recently, the Hollywood actress shares impressive photos to celebrate her daughter’s 15th birthday that show how much she has grown, and show that Lola could be her mini-self.
“This beauty turned 15 on June 1,” Denise wrote in her legend to a series of adorable snapshots of Lola over the years. “Lola, I am so proud of the sweet, compassionate, fun, strong, girl you have become. My social [butterfly emoji] … always a ray of sunshine. ”
The recent high school graduate is heading to high school next year and, ugh, we are getting very old. But one thing is clear, the blonde teenager has definitely inherited her mother’s natural beauty. In the first black-and-white photo, Lola shines with her carefree, waist-length hair flowing in discreet waves. Lola increasingly resembles her mother, Denise.
They want more The real housewives of Beverly Hills? New episodes air every Wednesday at 9 / 8c or catch up on this season through the Bravo app.
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