Demonstrates the capabilities of the new WLL Runt Leak Agent 14 and more

Leaks have gradually decreased with the addition of new content Valuable For the next episode two update including new skins, battle pass details and new agent.

The latest leak today showed a new agent named Yoru – though he is labeled as Agent 14 and is codenamed Stealth in the game’s code. According to the leaked information he will have several ways to throw enemies with both visual and sound signals.

According to the leak, its Z ability will generate footstep sounds, which the player can then throw forward with the ability. These can be toggled using various methods and also enable teleporters and other cluttered objects on the map.

Its X capacity will be a different variation on Phoenix’s flash, which can be thrown and activated after contact with the surface. It can lower portals with its C-capacity, throwing them with the fire button before hitting the teleport’s ability to use again, or anchoring them with Alt-Fire, although this has not been confirmed.

In the leaked footage, it looks like Yoru can also send his portal through a teleporter on the map and also send a teleport on his beacon after he comes to his side.

Its final will make Yoru completely invisible to the enemy, who opened some kind of void and donated the mask from the inside. The report will also make them impenetrable to opponents, but it looks like they will still be able to hear them moving.

None of this information has been confirmed by Wright Games, while the latest teaser for 2021 content on the State Age of Agents blog states that the year will “burst out with a duelist for all your ‘lures’,” which goes perfectly. Yoru’s abilities waned.

Valuable The next Big Update will fall on January 12, though the prospect of a new agent will probably come up, especially if this leak is accurate.