Democrats worry that Feinstein will not be able to handle the Supreme Court battle

Feinstein is sometimes confused by reporters’ questions, or will give different answers to the same question depending on where or when they are asked. Its appearance is delicate. And the behavior of Feinstein’s race, which seems to date back to the last days of the Senate era, could lead to trouble with an increasingly tight-lipped Democratic base with no interest in leggings or bipartisan platitudes.

Earlier this week, Feinstein angered progressives after announcing his opposition to ending Senate MLA Phillibster – a key target for party workers if Democrats gain full control of Congress and the White House in November. Some on the left called on him to resign over the remarks, although other democratic moderators have expressed similar views.

In a phone interview, Feinstein strongly opposes suggestions she will no longer be able to effectively serve as a ranking member of the Judiciary Panel or be unable to handle the next nomination fight.

“I am really surprised and upset. Because I’m trying to be very careful and I’m obsessed with it, “Feinstein told Politico. “My attendance is good, I do homework, I try to ask tough questions. I ‘m afraid for what I believe. “

Feinstein relied heavily on his staff to deal with any problems, often turning to him for help in answering inquiries. Despite being part of the most vulnerable age groups to the epidemic, in the early days of the epidemic, Feinstein was prepared to wear a mask around the Senate. She has made only two floor speeches in the last nine months, her last was in early July, although she remains active in committee hearings.

And then, in 2018, there has been a delay in Justice Brett Cavanaugh’s role in Feinstein’s role in the highly controversial Judiciary Committee hearing, which has become a deeply in-depth factor in questions about his eligibility for this latest nomination fight.

Feinstein waited several weeks before the allegations were made public by Christine Blessy Ford when she was sexually assaulted by Kavanagh, a teenager. Kavanagh’s nomination was almost drowned out by the bombshell allegations, and senators from both parties questioned why Feinstein did not move quickly to make Blaise Ford’s statement public.

A Democratic senator, speaking on condition of anonymity, said Feinstein’s colleagues had called Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) Or Sheldon Whitehouse (DRI) wants to serve as the top Democrat on the judiciary panel for the next one. Nomination hearing, which is expected to be extraordinarily controversial. The senator is concerned that the possible missteps by Feinstein will cost Democrats seats.

“I’m not sure what she’s doing,” the Democratic senator said of Feinstein. “If you take a look at Kavanagh, it will make us two shorter senators. And if this is found [messed] Above, it could be the same result. “

“I think it could have an impact on the many seats we can win,” the senator added.

Another Democratic senator said party leaders were in an “impossible position”, pointing out that Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer (DNY) and other senior Democrats could not replace a woman senator for the hearing of a woman candidate expected to replace a dead woman. Justice of the Supreme Court.

However, Senator said concerns about Feinstein have led to discussions among some Democrats about changing the seniority system next year. If Democrats win by a majority, California Democrats will chair the judiciary.

The third Democratic senator put it this way: “She can’t pull this off.”

Other Democrats have privately said that party leaders have received complaints that Feinstein is not able to handle the judiciary in the current situation. Some of these senators said Feinstein should retire at the age of 85 instead of running for re-election in 2018. Feinstein’s age was an issue in that campaign and appeared frequently in the news reports, but he defeated Democrat Kevin de Leon by about 10 points.

Feinstein has already stumbled upon a feud with Eighty Connie Barrett, who is seen at the forefront as Trump’s Supreme Court candidate. At the 2017 hearing for the Court of Appeal, Finstein told Barrett that “the dog lives loud in you” – a remark captured by Republicans as an immediate Catholic bias.

Schumer declined to comment on Feinstein or his role on the Judiciary.

For Feinstein, his work on the panel is comparable to that seen by other Democratic ranking members of the Senate.

“And so it’s hard for me to see that, I don’t know what people expect,” Feinstein said. “I have been on the committee for a while. I have seen how the committee works and I have seen the other chairs on our side of the wing operation. I don’t see, to be very stupid and honest, I don’t see a big difference. I’m ready, so it makes me wonder. “

Feinstein also said that because of being a minority, Democrats have limited weapons to take part in any nomination fight. McConnell has eliminated the filebuster for Supreme Court nominees, so Democrats can slow down the confirmation process, but they can’t stop it as long as they stay with Republicans.

“Let me say this – I know it’s going to be a fight, I understand that.” Said Feinstein. “I don’t have many tools to use, but I will use what I have. We can try to delay and interrupt but they can run the process. That doesn’t mean we won’t fight teeth and nails. “

Feinstein, the first woman to serve as a ranking member in the judiciary, has a long record of legal success since becoming a senator. He wrote a ban on assault weapons in 1994, pushed for raising automobile fuel-efficiency standards, and was at the forefront of environmental and civil rights issues. Feinstein also led a lengthy investigation into the CIA’s post-9/11 interrogation and detention programs that led to the 2014 torture history report.

When asked if Finest in is still able to do the job of a ranking member, Derby said, “I believe she is.” Dubin is at the front of the line on Feinstein’s rear panel. Sen. Patrick Lee (D-V.) has served longer on the judiciary than any other Democrat, but he serves as a ranking member in the appointees and cannot hold both positions.

Durbin said he was not aware of the discussion of changing Feinstein. And on suggestions from some of his colleagues that he should take over the judiciary, Durbin added, “I will not fall into this speculation.”

Former U.S. Attorneys, the White House was not keen to discuss the Feinstein situation either, making only a brief comment on the matter.

“She is a very respectable woman, whom I love very much,” the White House said in a statement.

Both parties have a recent Senate precedent for replacing senior senators, who are no longer considered capable of handling the job.

The late Sen. in the late 1990s. Storm Thermond (RSC) was replaced as chairman of the Armed Services Committee. And in 2008, the late Sen. Robert Byrd (DW.Va.) voluntarily relinquished his role as chairman of the Appropriations Committee. On the House side, committee chairs have been forced on several important panels in recent decades, including Applications and Energy and Commerce.

Feinstein is not alone when it comes to older legislators in powerful positions.

Feinstein Rep. He is the second oldest member of Congress behind Don Young (R-Alaska), about two weeks older. Finance Committee Chairman Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) is also is is of the year while Richard Shelby (R-Ala.) Is 86, chairman of the application. Armed Services Chairman Jim Inhoffe (R-Okla.), Who is seeking re-election this year, is 85. The top three House Democratic leaders – Speaker Nancy Pelosi (California), Majority Leader Stanny Hoyer (Mo.) and Majority Whip Jim Cleiburn (SC) – are all 80. Former Vice President Joe Biden will turn 78. After Election Day and Trump after 74 years.

Some Democrats defended Feinstein, saying there was no reason to try to change him as a ranking member.

Sen. “He’s an extraordinary person and I have full confidence in his leadership,” said Corey Booker (DNJ).

“His leadership has been really resolute and courageous,” said Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.). “She has extraordinary insights and instincts based on her vast experience. I see no reason to question this leadership.”