The leaders said in a statement that they want officials to appear at a hearing on August 24 to discuss what they call “recent, sweeping and dangerous operational changes at the Postal Service that are delaying the post and the integrity of the elections. endanger. “
The leaders remained in the statement that the leadership of DeJoy and Postal Service should be questioned by Congress.
“The Postmaster General and top post leadership need to answer to Congress and the American people as to why they are pushing this dangerous new policy, which threatens to silence the votes of millions, months before the election,” the leaders said.
Several Second Chamber Democrats on Saturday called DeJoy’s allegation if he did not appear voluntarily.
First Chamber Democrats, including Gary Peters of Michigan, who have limited investigative power because they are in the minority, began an investigation last week.
The statement said First Chamber Democrats are asking Homeland Security Security Chairman Ron Johnson to call DeJoy and Duncan for a hearing as soon as next week for what she calls “vigorous and urgent oversight.”