Democrats plan to counter Trump’s efforts to cast doubt on the election results

“They say we want a fair and friendly transition,” he said. “I say, ‘Really? You spied on my campaign when I won.'”

Concerns over civil unrest or post-election violence have also been raised among local officials over Trump’s rhetoric.

Democratic sources say they are taking the president to his word. The Biden campaign has a number of legal contingencies that could arise if the vote is close, while legislators are preparing for a rational – and even vague – circumstance that could arise if Congress is kicked out to win the presidential election. Is. . Democrats are also reading the response to Trump’s fraud claims – which could cause his voters to doubt the legitimacy of the result, even if it is a Biden landslide – should Trump try to dispute the outcome with ongoing plans for nationwide protests. They are also working with social media companies to try to frustrate the premature announcement of victory on election night.

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and Senate Democrats on Sunday released a report entitled “What to Expect on Counting and Election Day,” in a statement detailing how not all states will complete their count. Vote on November 3rd.

“Despite the President’s false claims, according to our country’s leading election experts, voter fraud is almost non-existent,” the report said. “In some states, we don’t know the winner on Election Night. That’s right.”

Don’t take any chances

While plans are being drawn up, there are concerns that Democrats will only have Trump’s grandparents – and not a messaging horsepower to counter the Twitter account – and if those states claim victory on election night before so-called or claim Democrats steal doing .

Virginia Democrat Rep. “We need to move our messaging forward,” said Gary Connolly. “There is no organized effort. To confront the President’s false and deceptive statement we have to really move forward in a hyper drive here and lower expectations about what you need to know on November 3rd.”

“He’s raising Strawman and he’s going to have to be knocked down,” Connolly added.

The Trump campaign has defended the president’s rhetoric on voter fraud. In a statement, campaign spokeswoman Thea MacDonald accused the media of “leaning towards liberal issues and ignoring the president’s commitment to accepting free, fair election results.” Yet, last month, Trump’s son, Eric Trump, told supporters in Nevada that Trump would confess “if he flies out of the water,” according to the Las Vegas Review-Journal.
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But Democrats say they take no chances and fear that even if Trump leaves, losing will undermine public confidence in the outcome. The campaign is coordinating with Democrats and voting rights groups on Capitol Hill, with messages of Trump’s attacks on election integrity, a Biden campaign official told CNN. The campaign also includes talks with social media companies about fighting misinformation and reporting election results, the official said.

“Donald Trump can make a fuss and lie about everything he wants, but we are confident that this election will be decided fairly, and Trump created the largest voter protection program in history to prepare for and fight any contingency. “Interfere in the democratic process,” said Mike Gwynn, a spokesman for the Biden campaign.

A senior Democratic congressional aide said House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has held weekly discussions on communications in leadership team meetings and is coordinating with the House Democrats Biden campaign.

“The bidon campaign will clearly be on the driver’s seat,” the assistant said.

Outside groups gather

Trump’s rhetoric about rigging or rigging the election has made both liberal activists and Washington’s top leaders eager to reassure him of the outcome. They are looking to provide air support if Trump should launch a Twitter-led protest of the results after election day.

Priority USA, which backs Biden to the largest Democratic Super PAC, is starting to plan for the possibility that Trump will try to frame election results that would make Biden illegal.

“We’ve started making internal plans,” said Guy Cecil, who chairs the group. “We are working closely with stakeholders to support our role, taking into account both potential claims and our role in responding to the President.”

Two progressive advocacy groups, Stand Up America and Individual, formed a bipartisan alliance of 100 advocacy groups that should defend the results, which host protests across the country, should Trump try to challenge the results.

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“We see these activities as a crucial way to combat any misinformation about Trump,” said Sean Eldridge, founder of Stand Up America.

The new bipartisan group of officials, known as the National Council on Electoral Rights, began earlier this month with a campaign to build confidence in the electoral system. That includes Republicans like the Pennsylvania Governance. Tom Ridge, J. George W. The Bush administration had Secretary of Homeland Security; Former Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel, a former GOP senator who served in the Obama administration; And Dan Coates, a former director of National Intelligence, a former GOP senator who served in the Trump administration.

After the election, Ridge said, the group’s focus will be on ensuring a peaceful transfer of power from one administration to another, including continuing pressure on Trump’s efforts to undermine the legitimacy of late-counting ballots.

“Our goal in the next few weeks is to make sure every vote is counted, and people are patient and waiting for America’s voice to be heard,” Ridge told CNN. “And then finally work now to promote the peaceful transition of power that has been going on since President George W. Washington resigned.”

Bilateral social media concerns

Trump may have used social media to raise doubts about possible election results or to declare a premature victory. Democrats have the biggest concern. But Republicans also have their own grievances.

The Biden campaign official said there have been conversations with social media companies about fighting election misinformation and reporting election results.

Both Facebook and Twitter have announced measures that would push back efforts to declare a premature victory on election day. And Facebook has said political advertising will be banned after voting closes on election day.

But Cecil said those measures are not only inadequate in terms of his group, they also disproportionately help Trump and his allies, who are skilled at exploiting viral content rather than advertising pay to spread their messages.

“He will do nothing but benefit Donald Trump, Trump and the Republicans, who are trying to sow confusion and misinformation,” Cecil said. “They’re not doing enough and what they’re doing is late in the game.”

How concerned media organizations and social media accounts with large organizations are about how Democrats can respond to or expand the president’s remarks. While a handful of Trump tweets about the election have been fact-checked by Twitter, the social media company’s strict fact-checking rules continue to spread false information about the election to Trump.

“These tweets are quoting them or the headlines say, ‘Trump refuses to admit to quoting voter fraud,'” the source said, intimidating me. “Echoing what the president says on election night is a dangerous thing.”

Complaints about social media and elections are still bilateral. Conservatives were outraged by Twitter and Facebook after social media giants took significant steps to limit the spread of the New York Post’s story about Biden’s son Hunter Biden, accusing companies of trying to save Biden.

Challenges in Court and Congress

As the election results approach, both Biden and Trump have gathered hundreds of lawyers across the country to discuss what would be the most contentious controversy since the election campaign ended: the result fought.

Election experts say another controversy, such as the Florida 2000 recount, where the winner of the presidential race stalled with a balance, is highly likely. But both parties are only preparing for such a scenario – and Trump also said he expects the election to go to the Supreme Court.

If a state comes down to the wire, the votes cast – especially by mail – are likely to be verified by ballot-by-ballot, and it is likely to be challenged by campaigns in the courts.

But post-election controversy could also erupt on Capitol Hill. If there is a debate over the results of the Electoral College, the election could be thrown into the obscure 1800s law known as the Voter Count Act.

A group of House Democrats are studying the law in anticipation of throwing the election into Congress, the Maryland Democratic Rep. Said Jamie Raskin, a professor of constitutional law who is part of the group.

“We will keep every constitutional and legal instrument on the table in preparation for defending the outcome,” Raskin said.

Democrats say they are optimistic that in the event that Trump loses the election, some congressional Republicans, who have been on his side for four years, will begin to distance themselves from him, pointing to the pushback he received after Trump refused to commit peacefully. Power transition.

Several Republican senators, including Utah’s Mitt Romney and Nebraska’s Ben Sass, have publicly and privately criticized Trump’s behavior in recent days.

Raskin said the political landscape after the election is announced – whether it’s November 3 or days or weeks later – will depend on the margin of victory.

“Obviously, the bigger the landslide, the easier it will be to defend the outcome,” Raskin said.

Eli Kaufman contributed to this report.
