According to the National Deer Association, the one-year-old Whittail Buck was recently found wandering around the Tennessee suburbs, with hair covering both his eyes. Strange conditions are a rare example of corneal dermides, which occur when certain types of tissue grow in the wrong place on the body.
Idents In August 2020, residents in Faragut, a suburb of Knoxville, spotted the deer for the first time and immediately reported it to local wildlife officials. Because the deer was bleeding from the deer, haphazardly and apparently lacking human fear, animal control officials suspected that it had contracted the deadly disease (CWD), and therefore decided to kill the deer to prevent the spread of this deadly state. Disease.
Sterling Daniels of the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency (TWRA) then sent the animals’ heads to the Southeastern Cooperative Wildlife Disease Study Unit (SCWDS) at the University of Georgia for tests, noting that both eyes were tangled in hair.
As it turned out, the deer did not have CWD but instead suffered from episotic hemorrhagic disease (EHD), which can cause fever and disorder. This will explain the strange behavior of the animal, but not the hairy eyeball.
In a formal report, SCWDS representatives Dr Nicole Nemeth and Michelle Willis wrote that the deer had a skin disc in place of the cornea, the transparent part of the eye that covers the iris and the pupil.
“Like these deer, corneal dermoids contain normal skin elements, including hair cells, sweat glands, collagen, and fat. They wrote that usually benign (nonvanseviv) are benign (innate) and innate.
Speaking to the National Deer Association’s Facial Magazine, Quality Whittails, Nemeth remarked, “We consider this innate (existing at birth), so we assume it has survived a long time with those people.”
“We have assumed that the dermoids have evolved slowly and the deer can be visualized in its declining area over time.”
This meant that the deer probably developed a strange condition in the uterus, where its corneal tissues failed to form properly and instead disintegrated into skin tissues. In addition to being coated with hairy skin, deer eyes were anatomically normal.
This is only the second sighting of a deer with corneal dermides, the first to be killed by a predator in Louisiana in 2007.