Editor’s note: Money expert Dave Ramsay is the CEO of Ramsey Solutions. He has authored seven bestselling books, including “The Total Money Makeover”. His radio show “The Dave Ramsay Show” is listened to by more than 160 million listeners every week on 600 radio stations and multiple digital platforms. Every week he answers a question about personal money in his “Dave Says” column.
Dear Dave,
I’m having a hard time saving money. Do you have any practical advice for saving when you have an average income?
Dear Nikki,
One thing I’ve learned over the years is that people only start saving money when they learn healthy money habits – such as living on a written, monthly budget – and let their future needs become more important than their current desires. Is.
What I am saying here is that it will only happen when you save a priority.
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You don’t even have to line up everything magically before you start saving, and there are many easy, practical ways to save money and breathe a little extra air into your financial sector.
One is the biggest by saying goodbye. Monthly payments are the biggest drain when I can talk about saving money, as debt robs you of your income.
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Most people wonder when they realize how much they are actually spending in the grocery store. It’s easy to walk through isles grabbing things on impulse, but it all adds up. Save money on groceries by planning your meals every week.
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Here are some other good ideas:
- Buy normal. An easy way to save money is to give shoes to name brands.
- Leave the coffee shop, and make coffee at home.
- Take your lunch to work and have breakfast and dinner at home.
- Check your insurance rate. Your agent should take care of things for you and see what savings they can dig.
- When shopping, pay in cash and ask about discounts. You never know until you ask, and you should always ask.
- Declare your home, garage, basement or attic. Get rid of clutter you don’t need and let it go for your financial future.
- Reduce your cell phone bill by getting rid of the extra costs like expensive data plans, phone insurance and junk. Don’t be afraid to haggle with your provider or switch to another company.
- If your goal is to save money, vacation is the worst thing you can do. Finding fun near home will save you hundreds if not thousands of dollars.
When it comes to savings, Nikki, how carefully and purposefully you spend can be more important than what you create!
Dave Ramsay is the seven-time # 1 national best-selling author, personal finance expert and host of the Dave Ramsay show, which is listened to by more than 16 million listeners every week. Since 1992, Dave has helped people regain control of their finances, build wealth, and extend their lives. He also serves as CEO of Ramsay Solutions.
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