Dave Grohl Just took a wonderful challenge from just 10 years of drumming desert – and he even put the ball back on his court … which means there’s still more rookie to come.
The founder of Foo Fighters was called by the 10-year-old Nandi Bushel – which is a percussion sensation on this side of the lake. He covered FF’s “Everlong”, taking care of Dave’s drum section with incredible precision and flair. Then she kicked him.
Oops @ Nandi_bashel!
Accepted the challenge.
These songs have not been played in a beautiful time ….. Thanks for the inspiration !!!
Your turn !!!
In your friend rock,
Dave(Thanks to my daughter, Harper lets me borrow on her drum set) pic.twitter.com/Ytq47CcZRC
– Fu Fighters (@ Fofiters) August Gust 29, 2020
@ Foo Fighters
Well, Dave saw the challenge … and batted. He digitized the same song at the end with the help of his daughter’s drum set … It’s hard to say who won. Naturally, Dave is Oji and he is flawless, but Nandi definitely caught himself.
Either way, the challenge didn’t end there – Dave gave him the courage to try out a big track with Supergroup, which he formed in 2009, called the Crooked Vulture. Josh Homeme On guitar, John Paul Jones On bass and dave, apparently, on drums.
It’s called “Dead and Friends” … and based on Dave’s drumming here, it looks like Nandi cut his work for him. Your move, baby … Dave and everyone else are waiting!